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Posts posted by slka614

  1. I am looking for any info or person who may have good thru the same thing. My husband is an EMT, he was in a job related car accident that caused him to lose this leg below the knee. As a result of complications he was revised to an above knee amputee. Recently the safety officer of the volunteer fire department has that he may no long ride on the ambulance because he is a liability. We have push the issue and it was discussed with the village attorney (we are a village owned department). He does not think that he could practice. We have told them that they do not want to do it that we will push the issue. I am looking for anybody that might had a dealing similar to this. They are trying at say that he is not physically fit to do the job, but have not tested him or the rest of the department. Any info that you could give me or lead me to would be appreciated.

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