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Posts posted by flashover49

  1. Ya, I know. I had an awsome lecture that really broke it down and got rid of the BS I did not need. My problem is that I am teaching to new medic classes as well as working full time as a FF/Medic. I don't have the time now to re do another lecture as well as start dorm scratch. My biggest problem is that the college has such few good instructors and allot of so so ones. I can't be there every class. I am lacking for a basic no frills lecture to get me by till I can get one done. If you have something I would really like to take a look at it. I have some awsome CE lectures as well as others. Let me know.RC

  2. Everyone is going to give you their ideas on how to. What it comes down to is how far you are willing to take it. You can take the easy route and just do the registry sheets or you can go further. Personally I believe in a fast head to toe after the initial ABC's and rapid trauma. I have found over the past 15 years of teaching that the best way is to show one, have them do one and then have them teach one. We are all the typical class A personalities. But tests have shown the most effective way for the students to retain the information is to have hands on that is reinforced with instruction. Soooo, I show all my students how I want them to do the assessment, there are a ton of ways that you can do this be it ITLS, Brady, Mosby or any of the others. You have to find out which one is for you and then practice it until it becomes second nature. If you are not confident in your assessment skills then how can you sell it to new students? Plus you will encounter students that someone else has screwed up and now you have to fix them. So the show them one, let them do one and finally let them teach one works great. But a word of advice for this to work you must be there to interject when the fonder in their instruction. This will also help reinforce what they are doing. Hope this helped. RC

  3. I am looking for a good med math lecture. I had one but due to a recent hard drive crash I lost it. I hate most of the canned lectures that come with the text book's. I am looking for a down and dirty lecture and am willing to trade lectures for it. Let me know. I have a few instructors that are just hacking this apart and am trying to regain control. LOL Thanks RC

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