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Posts posted by ff4l93

  1. So you're ignoring the valid questions to make this a pissing match? Okay fine. Your job sounds like a vacation, woo hoo! Happy for ya. Now can we discuss the issue at hand without trying to compare genitalia size?

    I agree I mean just look at firefighters Wifes and single role Wifes, I rest my case with your genitalia size argument. We both know where the Hot women gravitate to. Oh ya and our job is bitchen don't get me wrong, but remember whos in the trenches and who is in the beautiful little sterile ER. I mean theres is a reason we are dialed in shape firefighting machines, our work enviroment is much more physically demanding then yours.

  2. You are not worth wasting time with. Have a nice day.

    Ok I do have to say this before I wave good bye to you. I to only have to work 10 days. I only do 911's. I do not do transfers. I do not fight fires and in fact am no longer in the fire service as they choose not to put patient care first. My pay when factoring in cost of living comes out way above you California dreamers. :D

    No the bottomline is that we have a job to get done, and patient care is first but we don't waste our time on BS calls we tell it like it is. If you can't handle that cause you like babying all your patients and you can't see reality then so be it. Oh ya and well COL set aside I make 100K plus and have fun fighting fire and going back to sleep when you box jokeys are transporting in the middle of the night. I'm livin the California dream, you know the one that everyother person in the US would jump at if they could afford it but since the rest of the country COL is so much lower it's not ever going to happen. I'm not dreamin it, I'm Livin it

  3. Man I hope that is just a poor attempt at sarcasm. If not please immediately remove yourself from my profession. We should be pre Hospital Medical Professionals not taxi drivers.

    Dude the bottomline is that you your self just addmitted that you are a taxi driver. See working on an engine company as a FREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC you don't have to worry about being a taxi cab driver. If you run into that type of call and it is a BLS Frequent Flyer then you BLS the call to a private ambo. company like yourself. Just relize that if you don't like doing the job, then change stop complaning you can't change the standard of industry, thats just the typicle private box job now a days, go to a firefighter academy and get on the job and join the best job in the world. Work ten days a month, make plenty of dough to live comfortably anywhere in the US, oh ya and you get to actually not have to be a taxi cab driver and do IFT's all day.

  4. Your post is just another fine example of why the FD should have their control over EMS taken away from them. You are right on one point, reality is the key to success in the 21st century. The reality is that we need more educated providers, not trained firemonkeys who would rather be firefighting. Until the EMS community realizes this and steps up to the plate, EMS will never receive the respect of being a true profession in the medical community. Street smarts (or as those of us overly educated would call it, experience) means nothing without education. That is the biggest problem in EMS. Many know what to do, few know why you do it and even fewer understand how we got to the point of knowing what to do (yes, that means research, which your typical fire academy medic class does not teach). Experience without education means you keep doing things wrong without knowing you are doing them wrong.

    I leave you with one final thought to ponder that I think really applies to EMS:

    The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. ~Bill Beattie

    Well I hate to break it to you but there is a reason why Firefighter Pararmedics are sent to someones emergency when they dial 911, and not a Rickey Rescue single role. Thats because we are trained to handle all types of emergencies and incidents we don't just worry about one thing. The tax payers want someone that is experianced in handleing all types of emergency incidents, people that deal with it on a day to day basis, firefighters are not fire monkeys, as you say, they are trained in all aspects of emergencies. We don't just pick and choose what type of emergencie were going to act on, we handle the situation what ever the challenges without having to call people outside of our profession. When private medics get on scene and can't handle the situation they call the firemen in to take care of business. A true example of why there is little single role 911 medics on the west coast. The public and powers to be have come to the conclusion that paying for one firefighter paramedic that can do 20 different jobs, is much more benificial to a community then to pay a box jockey to say, "oh this isn't just a medical aid i need a enigne company to come rescue this person.

  5. Man who does this JBan guy think he is? You talk a lot of BS you must be a fireman.

    Hey all I know Mr. Ambodriver is if that BS degree helps you operate a ambo then more power to you bro. However let me break it down to you, you see we already have enough propeller heads in this industry that think that getting a masters and being a wizard is so much more important then street smarts. How about you leave the realistic life saving to the professionals (firefighter/paramedics) that don't worry about being able to recite a medical manual word for word. Reality is the key to sucess in the 21st century

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