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Posts posted by Johntom2000

  1. Funny how you're willing to blame everyone but the candidate taking the test. If a candidate can't pass after multiple attempts, the problem doesn't lie with the exam or the instruction.

    Further, it sounds as if you're bitter simply because you couldn't pass a test that was written at a level so that someone with even a minimal high school education could pass.

    It has also previously been established, right here in these discussion forums, that the cost of living in your area pretty much negates what might otherwise be considered an impressive salary. So knock it off already.

    -be safe

    I don't think so I have a technology degree. Whatever you think. I am just expressing how I feel.

  2. NR test is easy. It is not a scam. It is not set up to make you fail the first time. I passed the first time. If someone has to take such an easy test 4-5 times just to get an 70%, maybe EMS isn't for them.

    Further, you don't seem to be a big fan of standards and verification. Without NR, you cannot think of moving between states. You'd have to take paramedic or emt school all over again. Other medical professions have national standards. A NCLEX licensed nurse with a degree from a properly accredited institution can move from state to state without having to take nursing school over again.

    Lacking national standards makes us look like even more of a joke to insurance which keeps reimbursement low and our pay low.

    The NR isn't perfect. It's standards should be increased. Moving the opposite direction and eliminating it will just be another step in relegating EMS to the backwaters. If you want an example of how NREMT fails us, IAFF likes NREMT because it let's them send their FF's to medic mills in other states. Of course, if NR was gone, there'd just be more medic mills locally.

    In my state, you can recert as an EMT with only 36 CE hours and Paramedic with only 50. NR requires 72 out of everyone.

    Further, the standard for classes to meet national (and thus NREMT) standards are different than the states. In my state, you could teach a state EMT class with less than 100 contact hours. Nationally, the new standard will be nearly 200 hours with more subject matter required to be covered.

    There are standards, albeit low. The national standards are almost universally higher than state standards.

    I am a fan of standards. But, Lets say you want to be in EMS and you just can't pass the test. Its time to ethier look at the teachers that are teaching the class or the NR. One of the two must go. An If I looked at a person grades in class and he is passing with flying colors and he/she has failed the NR over 3+ times. Its time to take a overall look at the NR. Ethier water it down or get rid of it. Ask follow EMT's around anywhere I bet 7/10 will tell you that they had spent more what the spent on the just the class alone. IT'S A SCAM! Again I am going to say. Take a class, pass it, with 75 % or higher and take a state test. The NR is a joke and a SCAM for more money.

    As for a low pay. Mcdonalds make more what KY and WV EMT's make on the hour. That is sad. The low pay is already here.

  3. It's not just a big scam. We make our people keep NR because NR has a higher CE standard than the state.

    I guess I'm not surprised when you say that the fire guys are the ones dumping NR.

    Its the biggest scam I ever saw. Its setup to make you fail it the first time so you can go take it again. I know people have tooken it 4-5 times. I will be damn If I pay $70 6 times to pass a test that to say you can keep a patient breathing while on the way to the ER. That is what a class for. 70 dollars a pop *EMT-B TEST* is a joke. What ever happend to taking a state class then a test? Oh btw paying to get your CPR card and such. SCAM another money trick. It would be the best go get rid of the NR. Every state has different type of "standards" then others. So Please, quit sucking. BTW this will be my 2nd time taking the NR. If I don't pass it this time. i am getting a new job. I am nothing to have sucker and keep paying. I just take what I learned in class and go with it.

  4. I am studying right now for a 2nd shot at it. I don't know really which way to go. I remember the questions on the test. An trying to study them areas. I also been taking practice exams and been doing no so good. I got a bad habit of 2nd guessing myself too. I been told to read the whole book but, that will take a while..An I can't really wait that long to take it again. Anyone got any pointers????



  5. and failed...back to the drawing board...This was my first time taking any type of medical exam. I went to amzon and ordered EMT Basic Exam Secrets Study Guide: EMT-B Test Review for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) Basic Exam (Paperback). I really don't like how the bradey book helped very not well layed out on what type of questions was on the test of what I can remember. Well got to get ready get ready for work.

    later guys,


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