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Posts posted by Joke-a-billy

  1. Would "ignorant" be better?

    (Look ma, I can do one liners too! Ain't personal attacks fun!)

    Nah, ignorant won't fly, neither. Wrong usage. Nobody attacked you personally. II don't know you, nor do I care who you are. Look at what you wrote. Doesn't the right to defend an opinion apply to all opinions, even mine? True, the whole "mean" bit was theater, but that is not the point. It's simply a question of consistency. You should know this. Enough of this.

  2. I guess I just don't see the "gag". I'm not upset in the least, I just don't understand the motivation of a grown man to register to an EMS website to troll. Are you that desperate for conversation? To each his own I guess.

    But my (your) mom makes me alphabet soup. You and Ryder have some sense when you write. (It's that other bloke...)

  3. Enjoy while you can... I feel a ban being started up. Of course, you will just troll away.. to find another site. Shame, one will get a section locked.

    R/r 911

    Now why the grumpies? Why'd you three encourage me with the banter? I was about to go away, or at least shut up. Now I want to find out more. What is it about the rescue world that makes you guys tick the way you do? And to think I was worried about my golf slice! :roll: But I guess you own this place. You seem to be taking this more seriously than I thought. Pls tell me you too are kidding, or writers. How the sychophants think (write) worries me more. Assuming the joke's not on me, at least you posted what seemed sincere indignation. The bloke who gave the textbook lecture on disagreements of opinion seemed to rally to John Wayne's "defense." Interesting how this played out, isn't it? Live and learn. BTW, how long does it take to rack up 5000+ posts...did I read that correctly?

  4. Part of being a noobie is listening. You DON"T have the experience to have an informed opinion yet, just verbal statement. Can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. This is a business and attempting to be a profession is being informed. Chances are you were not taught 99% of the stuff needed in EMS.

    You come to a site about EMS with a whopping experience of a few week course and want to be recognized as actually knowing about the profession? Alike Dust, do you have several thousand calls under your belt or education past that first aid level EMT cert? ... Yet, alike many others spouting they "know what is best" even though they do not know the "what" is yet.

    Expertise is based upon education, experience for a reason. Before jumping to conclusions read what the context is rather than taking it personal. One usually finds it is to motivate and truly inform you past the poor information that was taught to you.

    Sure, everyone starts out as a noobie but not everyone remains one. Alike being a basic most start out but prefer to grow...

    R/r 911

    Easy there, killer! Man, you had me going for a minute. I could almost feel the steam billowing out your ears. WOOF! I pictured a regular R. Lee Ermey. Good job. You never repeated yourself even once. Joviality obliges me to confess this was staged. You're right, I have no opinion on EMS (I don't even know what those initials stand for.). But this was almost as much fun as the immigration policy forum (long story, trust me, you had to be there.) Have fun! B)

  5. You know, when ever I tell people that I'm an EMT-B and it only took 110 hours, they get this kinda of horrified look on their face ("You can do all that with only 110 hours?") until I explain the difference between basic and paramedic. I bet that the public would be shocked if they understood just how undereducated the EMT-B level is.

    Oh, and just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that they're mean. That means they have an opinion on a topic, and in the case of many people here, are more than willing and able to defend those opinions (something that is sorely missing in my generation). If anyone is too immature to accept that people are going to have different opinions, then they are too immature for an internet forum (you know, a forum. Like a place to go and discuss things) and EMS in general. Same if anyone is so immature that they can't disassociate themselves from their job/level/etc to objectively analyze a situation.

    Nice monologue, kid. And you can spell, too. Gotcha. This'll be fun.

    BTW, immature fell off the okay words list ages ago. It's overused. Choose another.

  6. dustdevil, were you ever a "noob" or an emt-b or does it go from God to Jesus to you. i am not questioning your education or intelligence im sure you are very educated but it seem like you are always picking on " noobs" or emt - b. did something happen to you while you were an emt- b let it out do you want to talk about it. i thought this site was to help others in ems not belittle them cause you think there question or comment is dumb .

    Hear!hear! and thank you. I don't like Dustdevil very much. He seems bitter, like he'd make life miserable for basic newbies. Lets' ask a patient if they care how many hours or years of education their help-provider has. I don't think I want to play here any more. Some of you are mean. Everyone has to start somewhere.

  7. Hey there. I'm new to the city. I ask a lot of dumb questions and whine. Older might-be student, started down the EMS path years ago but got sidetracked. Every time I'm reminded of it I get a strange emotion--like sinking sadness, regret,anger, jealousy, and a face full of ice water, all combined. Weird stuff happens--whenever EMS pops into my thoughts i hear a siren or a rig goes by in front of me. For years I have read about experienced paramedics half my age, and it gives me coulda/shoulda/woulda syndrome. So now I am miles away, studying anything I can get my hands on about becoming an EMT-B in my spare time. At this crossroads I can think of few other career change pursuits which interest me, to which I'd be suited, are relatively inexpensive to enter into, and don't require a degree. I welcome PMs, but no flaming--that's for youtube forums! :):( :shock: :? :cry: :twisted: :|

  8. Most of you have done or are doing what I should've long time ago. I'm jealous, not because of your credentials or prestige, but experiences. I think I might be too old to(re)begin. I say "re-" because I once accumulated a few certificates and got a brief taste of what it's about. In retrospect I plead "what have I done with my life so far?" I should be a supervisor and instructor by now (really). Becoming an EMT is something I have to do whether it works out or not, if only to silence this nagging feeling that I;ve left loose ends. The modern day tech stuff scares me. Where's the matrix machine when you need it?

  9. :D Geez, thanks a lot, guys! I feel so much better now (not!) I trained as EMT-B years ago, didn't do much with the certificate, and let it lapse. I'm approaching midlife and have been wrestling with the idea of starting over. What, I wonder, is it like to work as an EMT these days, maybe go on to paramedic school? I'd be moving house and taking a basic course which costs as much as the lest expensive yet reputable paramedic course I can find. Now I've been reading forum posts on various sites about how crappy the pay is, brutal hours, budget cuts, burnout, copter crashes, ground unit crashes, FD vs. EMS politics, lawsuits, etc., etc., etc! Someone like me ought to be able to answer the question myself: why would anyone who knows better even try it? God knows it ain't for the money (can I get an AMEN?!!) And yeah, I'd like to help people as much as would the next guy. If there truly is a need for EMT's in society, why are so many leaving and not looking back? I just read about the CNA who says he makes better money than when he was an EMT; another claims the garbagemen make out better. Good for all of them, but....ISN'T THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE PICTURE???? My soul really wants to give it a try, but who wants to wake up one day and wish they were doing something else? Someone convince me it ain't all that bad, before I forget about the whole thing and start thinking about a career change to the sanitation engineering field.
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