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Posts posted by NOMedic119

  1. We can only refuse transport to someone during a state of emergency where only absolutely only seriously injured go to the hospital. During this time not even suicidal people doesn't get transported. but in normal situations we transport all who request transport. in Urban EMS there are lots of folks trying to find any way to sue EMS so by refusing EMS transport opens us up to litigation so we just transport.

  2. had a guy who drank a whole bottle of deep woods off bug repellent. The smell was sooo bad i couldn't understand how he was able to guzzle that entire bottle. Don't know what happened to the guy but i can imagine it didn't end all that great.

  3. The world doesn't have room for this faggety, nancy, bullcrap. Just another attempt by the fire service to justify their job. Can you transport that patient in your fire engine?? boy do we do all the grunt work and get absolutely no credit for it. Running in burning buildings and saving little jimmy isn't enough for the fire service now they have to take credit for emergency medical pt care. They mention strained EMS coverage but instead of petitioning for more EMS funding to get more ambulances on the road they'd rather take the money to the fire service that can do absolutely nothing but wait on an ambulance to come available to respond. This crap is whats wrong with Emergency Response Services.

  4. so making beds isn't part of emt/medic practice??? last time i checked you make the stretcher after every call. There isn't something for you to do for the entire hospital shift, why not help out by making some beds and just making it an easier night for the nursing staff. They will like you more and will be ready to teach you when something cool comes in, instead of just walking right past you.

  5. i dont really leave equipment much, although a few times i thought we had left equipment and its the worst feeling enroute to a call were you will need the equipment you think you left. thankfully we usually have a backup if we have left something behind. I have left students behind which is why the first order of business when students get in unit is this set of rules:

    1. you will be less than 5 feet of me or my partner.

    2. you will keep up with us or we will leave you behind.

    3. you will not do everything right, but you will learn.

    4. you will have as much fun as possible.

  6. we get calls like that here in New Orleans, usually the nursing home will call their contracted ambulance service but due to the low acuity the private ambulance service will delay the transport. Maybe an hour later the nursing home calls 911 for some bogus reason, like pt. short of breath we arrive onscene to see the patient laying in bed completely stable. pt being transported due to lab work. pt is SOB but theyre always SOB due to some chronic illness. Ive found the best way to approach the situation is to stay professional and transport the patient as long as the patient wants to be transported. unless something about the patient is abnormal i transport BLS because the pt shouldnt have to pay more money for ALS treatment for horrible nurses at nursing home. AND DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT, Written complaint and pt report as well as verbal report to nurses at hospital. someone will do something eventually if it keeps happening.

  7. yea i dont think the examiner failed you because of not remembering to gel the paddles....its something else. Get your acls book out and restudy it to see what else you may have forgot to do. hope you do well next time, and dont worry about the cbt its only asking for the minimum knowledge required to be a paramedic. study hard.

  8. I dont support priority dispatching having worked for one service that does priority dispatching in rural louisiana and one that doesn't in Urban louisiana for the following reasons. (1) for the most part the person is calling 911 because they are in an emergency although our definition of emergency and theirs may differ they non the less want our help. (2) Dispatchers dont always have the best information and i say dont always respectfully (i would like to say most of the time) so the dispatcher may take information from the patient and interpret it incorrectly causing a delayed response to a serious situation. (3) usually seriously ill patients will try to downplay their illness in an attempt to cope with the situation causing for delayed response. (4) Large Call volumes spending all day responding to a low priority call turning a 30 minute call into an hour call ties us up for a high priority call. (5) we sometimes get diagnoses of patients wrong and were looking right at them how can you expect dispatch to get it right over the phone. All in all i think priority dispatching is dependent on situation an EMS service should decide which one works best for them.

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