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Posts posted by txffemtp

  1. http://www.jems.com/news_and_articles/arti...s_analysis.html

    So I know that there are a bunch of doctors out there who don't want EMS to be able to intubate anymore, but is this really needed? When we have our own folks saying we cant intubate or shouldnt have certain drugs, it takes the whole profession down. I mean no MD is going to give there medics the ability to use other drugs except sux. For a medic to say anything else is stupid and just gives the docs an excuse to take the paralytics away alltogether. I dont get it.

  2. ...I wonder how many calls these guys run? I see so many systems in the Dallas/Fort Worth area who have multiple "medics" on every firetruck, but they start an IV once every couple of months or worse...attempt a tube every few years. Why, so the publis is safer from guys with cute red patches on their shirt and then when they have to transport to the local ER, patients who are altered to the point of GCSs of 7 and 8, they dont even bother with little things like O2 therapy, much less IV sticks.

    It is becoming more and more obvious that EMS has multiple layers...some folks do it because they care about caring, others are doing it just for the paycheck. It sucks. Nice job to the doc though...if you dont understand why you are doing something, why are you doing it? 12 of these medics didn't get it obviously.

  3. ...okay, so it wasn't what he was hauling even though he's SLUDGing, but a question...

    how do you do bradycardia with PVCs? Aren't these normally not premature beats, but ectopic ones? I think we need to keep in mind the difference between beats coming early and those that come because a pacemaker site has failed. In my experience, PVCs usually happen at normal or slightly higher rates, whereas escape beats happen slower. Just my .02...

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