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Posts posted by sfrme

  1. MONA (minus the Morphine), IV TKO (as not to increase B/P, but to dilute any non-absorbed substances in the blood)

    Monitor rhythm for disturbances. Prepare Lido as needed.

    Ok, I'm still a student, so a question for the vets - Can you use Diazepam (for Cocaine) and Narcan (for Heroin) together? Have multiple doses of Narcan ready, as some Heroin lasts longer than the Narcan.

    Have your intubation kit open and ready.

    ? genetic hx of MI - predisposed to something that the speed-balling aggravated

    Contact Med Control/Poison Center - And as always FOLLOW LOCAL PROTOCOLS

  2. I am a paramedic student, and at the beginning of this year I asked what would be a good service to do my field time...the suggestions I got were Reno, NV and Albuquerque, NM...Well, I chose MAST in Kansas City, MO. In fact, I am sitting in KC as we speak (type, whatever).

    MAST uses the SSM (I believe Reno does also) and I love it. IMO, I would rather use that system than sit in my recliner at the station watching M.A.S.H. (no offense, good show). Thousands of hours of research and data collection have gone into such systems that determine unit placement throughout the city. The SSM system provides the management with a guideline to go by as far as scheduling goes. Why flood the city with ambulances, and then have half of them sitting around doing nothing. I see it similar to a "Power Car" that some services use during peak hours. And how they determine peak hours, the same research and data collection. MAST's system does not inflict the back problems, poor rest, etc. You usually aren't sitting long, and if you are, you've got the time to sleep if you're tired. Bam, that takes care of those two problems. IMO, I think it would be funny to see a tractor-drawn aerial posted at a McDonald's or something like that.

    Although I like KC & MAST, I don't forsee myself working here. In part because my two preceptors told me, DON'T WORK FOR MAST. They say MAST makes it so hard for someone to work there due to your every popular politics and such. And someone mentioned large protocol books. I have MAST's on my computer right now - 264 page Adobe file. Wow, that is some good reading.

    I think that anyone who works for a service and loves it there and is happy is going to (maybe wrongfully) guess that it would be that way for anyone who worked there. Maybe to them IT IS the bestest place in the world. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I am sharing mine.

    I was going to say something else, but I forgot. I'll check back to read up on the hate mail.

    BTW - Thank you to all of those who have served or are currently serving this great nation in any branch of the armed forces. May God always protect you, for you are truly worthy. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!

  3. Ok, just gonna throw by 2 cents into the mess here. It's in a story about myself form, but it's the best way I can figure out to get my point across.

    I am an 18 y/o that completed EMT-B while still in high school (required to be 17 for Iowa law at beginning of program). Prior to the EMT-B, I was a part of an Explorer (junior paramedic) program for 4 yrs. at an ALS ambulance service that runs approx 10,000 calls/year. After Basic school I joined a BLS ambulance service and ran with them for approx 6 months prior to starting medic school, which I am currently in.

    Now back to the age thing: After completion of my basic class, and a couple months with the BLS service, I went back to the ALS service that I had been riding with and applied for a part-time EMT-B position. I got an interview, but upon completion of the interview, I did not get the job due to my age. My inside sources informed me that age was the only reason I did not get the job. So, I did a little research and found out that the insurance requirement was 18 y/o, which I was. A couple months later, the same person told me that the expanded answer to the age question was that the Hiring Committee was too concerned about the image of the drunk, smoking, immature teenager (again, the ONLY reason). I felt a little discriminated against after I found that out.

    Like someone said earlier, there is no way to plaster one image on a certain age group, each person is different.

    Now I finish my medic class in July and will only be 19 when I am finished. Will I get the same result/answer again if I apply there?

    Sorry for a little bit of venting, let the replies come.

    Also, another 2 cents (I'm gonna go broke if I continue): I don't think that all of the field intership time, basic experience, etc. can prepare a new medic for the very first time they have to make all the decisions. And if the person with the new medic doesn't like being with people with inexperience, then they shouldn't be in an FTO (or equal) position.

    Wow, I better get off of here.

  4. We have a company in our area (Arrow Manufacturing, Inc. - Rock Rapids, IA) that does the traditional remounting, but they also do something that they call Generation II Ambulances.

    Quote from their website www.arrowmfginc.com

    Arrow Manufacturing, Inc. offers Ambulances which we call Generation 2 Ambulances or (Gen 2's). Occasionally Arrow will purchase used ambulances to remount & refurbish. Often these units are 1-3 years old and have very low miles on them. Arrow will take the modular and remount it to a new chassis. We will go through the modular and refurbish the modular top to bottom. The idea is to offer you a LIKE NEW AMBULANCE FOR LESS THAN NEW PRICE, We generally have a couple to choose from in different Manufacture Conversions. We list these in our Vehicle inventory. Or give us a call to see what the latest model is we have to offer. Call Us Toll Free 800-743-3157.Fax 712-472-3156.

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