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Posts posted by jackdemolay

  1. Allow me to clear some things up about Denver Health. First off it was not made part of the housing department. Denver Health was separated from the rest of the city into an authority, much like the denver housing authority is. Denver Health is it's own entity. for coloradoems I will reply to each of your scurrilous accusations:

    Besides the "hazing" before you got your patch

    Besides the way management allowed sexual discrimination

    Besides the harrassment from the training folks

    None of these things occur any more. The previous, Gravitz regime allowed some of this to occur. the current Chief and his team don't. At all. Which is one of the reasons there was a change in leadership about 4 years ago. You should re-apply and see the changes for yourself

    Each of the following are lies. No other way to put it.

    Paramedics at DG were FORCED to:

    Double load patients from 2 different calls Never FORCED to do so. In some cases it has been allowed to happen

    Administer sublingual Narcan and walk away from Overdose patients Never forced, nor allowed to happen. Lie!

    Drive like a madman to make unrealistic response times Never forced anyone to drive a certain style, for any reason.

    Dump patients at the ED without proper handoff reports "proper" as defined by whom? FORCED, NOT!

    Handle ALL the EMS calls with 7,8,9 buses on in the city There haven't been this few buses on the schedule for almost 10 years!

    Refuse care and transport to patients due to overload No one has ever been denied care or transport for this reason, let alone forcing employees to behave in this manner.

    For a clearer and more concise response to all the recent articles/stories in Denver go to http://thetemplarofdg.wordpress.com/ . Of better yet, apply and see for yourself. Lastly I will say this- Morale be it high or low is something that while impacted by actions of others is largely a reflection of how each of us feels about our particular situation. So for someone to blame all of someone's morale on the actions or lack there of on administration is BS, INHO.

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