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Posts posted by emtcater

  1. I worked with a few morons in my time on the road.

    One of them answered her cell phone while standing in the middle of an ICU. For some reason, the charge nurse was giving ME the drop dead look. I told the charge nurse I knew better, and if she had a problem, to take it up with my partner, not me.

    For the most part though, I enjoyed working with the majority of my partners, and still count a couple of them as friends.

  2. I'm an EMT/Security Officer for an off strip casino in Vegas. In the 3+ years I've been there, my Lt. and my Sgt. have made it clear to the other officers on the shift that the scene of a medical call is mine, and they are to defer to my judgement. The other officers have never had a problem with it, and am glad I'm there.

    My dilema is this: on numerous occassions, someone has identified themselves as a medic/nurse, and have expected to take control of the scene. Some have been upset when I've politely explained that while I appreciate their offer, I have to ask them to step aside. My rational for this is that I have no idea who I'm dealing with, whether they know what they're doing, or whether they really are who they claim to be. Ultimately, it's my neck on the line. I simply don't have time to ask them to produce a card, and even if they do, how do I know it's current?

    Am I wrong for expecting someone claiming to be a medic/nurse relinquish the scene once I'm there, or refusing their assistance?

    <Edited for grammer>

  3. $9.50 might be acceptable for a "newbie" but it's still not a living wage, especially after taxes.

    I've been a basic for 12 years (as of June) currently living in Vegas, working for a casino security department. While the casino I work for doesn't require a EMT license, all the guys are trained as first responders. When I was hired 3 years ago, my EMT was a factor in the LT hiring me. It's been an unwritten policy since I was hired that I call the shots on the scene of any medical call, and the other officers are to defer to my judgement. It hasn't been a problem at all with my coworkers.

    My current rate of pay is $15.65, with full benefits paid. Not bad for a basic.

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