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Posts posted by NCORHI

  1. Funny though, I don't know any teachers living in poverty. They do pretty darn well, considering they only work 9 months out of the year.

    In this city, they are severely understaffed, severely underpaid, and do 12 month schooling. Hmmm maybe this is why we are consistently ranked in the bottom two of the nation for education! It's awful.

  2. I help people just fine with a steady income dropping into my bank account every two weeks. I don't think accepting a paycheck for EMS work is a bad thing- afterall, we have spent countless hours and ungodly amounts of money to get where we are. It is a profession, I don't know of many other PROFESSIONS that people donate their valuable time to do the same job that others get paid for. I'm not anti-volunteers, I was one when I started too. IMHO, we are the most severely underpaid professions out there, alongside teachers.

  3. Well, there really isn't anything to analyze here. It looks like FDNY's leadership is playing "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" and only a moran would think that they did the right thing ("Oh, look, it's the paramedics! Time to leave! Durrr!"). Unfortunately, the only thing left to do is poke fun at the stupidity of a system that would allow this with only a slap on the wrist.

    that picture made me laugh hysterically!!!

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