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Posts posted by UtProsim

  1. Oh puhleeze! :roll:

    I have yet to see an EMT school that teaches common sense. In fact, it cannot be taught. You either have it, or you don't. And do the math. What are the odds that somebody who blows $1500 bucks and three months of their life on a first aid course of less than 200 hours, to enter a job market that is flooded with uneducated kids who will work for little or nothing, has a lot of common sense going for him? Slim to none.

    One-hundred and twenty hours is not even enough to cover Anatomy & Physiology, much less the pathophysiology education and clinical experience necessary to competently make instantaneous airway decisions based upon sound medical and scientific theory. All the stupid NR exam asks is at what rate you would bag the patient. There is nothing there about critical thinking or evaluating the patient's needs. It's simply about memorising a cut-off number, and that's about all you'll get out of any EMT course too, so don't give me this crap about what EMTs should know if they can pass a silly first aid class that is geared to the lowest common denominator, being a volunteer firemonkey with an eighth grade education.

    The truth is, even the very best EMT school, selecting only the very best candidates, still produces a provider that is not educationally prepared for the challenge of critical decision making by themselves. That means the vast majority of the losers running around with EMT patches aren't even close to prepared. Don't kid yourself.

    Listen buddy, i don't know what your major malfunction is,..but I NEVER said that EMT school teaches compassion, why don't you spend some more time reading posts before you try to bash someone, it makes you look like an @$$ I'm not even gonna bother to respond to the other points, never mind you and never mind your sarcasm!

  2. Vomiting - Aspiration - Ventilator - PNA - ARDS - Trach - Vent Farm

    *Use caution; a human patient isn't some manikin you've been playing with in EMT class

    *don't force against the patient's breathing

    *have suction ready

    *understand the underlying cause and why the body is responding accordingly (fever, acidosis, V/Q mismatch, air-trapping)

    Yes, you can BVM a conscious patient. But, use some commonsense and work with the patient by using verbal support for reassurance that you know what you are doing and coordinate with their breathing.

    If you are still unsure about this, find a good mentor to give you some additional advice for this and other possible scenarios. Control of an airway is too important to put off thoroughly understanding a procedure until it happens.

    thats all obvious stuff, and yes I did write that in my post, assist breathing upon the patients inspiration to allow them to obtain a higher volume and slow their rate, obviously you would have suction ready at ALL airway calls, and frankly, I like to take suction to most calls, better to have it there than not, and it is just common sense to explain what you are doing to the patient, otherwise you have no business in the medical field, it's called compassion and well, common sense, so, now you know I don't treat my patient as some kind of airway dummy from EMT school, although I hope you already knew that and were being sarcastic, I would like to think that someone who was like that wouldn't be allowed to pass the class

  3. From what I remember about that part of my training, It was told to us that if the patients resp. rate was out of the normal range and would compromise their ability to adequately oxygenate their system, then we could bag a conscious patient on their own inspiration to assist them in obtaining a higher volume upon inspiration, therefore slowing their resp. rate if it was too high, obviously there would have to be great resp. distress for this type of measure to be taken, there is no real negative effect from this, either they tolerate it or they don't. I have never had to bag a conscious patient, hopefully I haven't jinxed myself by saying that, lol.

  4. I should not have asked if you were one of those people but your post made me lump you into one in the same.

    how long have you been an emt and a christian?

    First of all, Thank you for the apology, and I did not mean to "preach" if I did, then it wasn't my intention, I was just trying to respond to what you had said, in the most appropriate way I could think of at the time,....to answer your question...I have been an EMT since October of 2007, so about 6 months.....and I have been a Christian my whole life. I apologize if I have offended you in any way, that was never my intention.

  5. were you one of those kids who didn't get to do what you wanted and you spent all your time in your room? You sound like you speak from experience.

    You have got to be kidding me, now your attacking me for trying to put myself in the shoes of others? WOW, and to answer your question, Absolutely not, I went out and worked damn hard to get where I am today! and to be quite frank about it, I didn't have a room to go to, I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself, I was too busy trying to make a life for myself at the tender age of 16, with no parents, and right out of foster care, how about that? I am a Christian, I believe in standing up for others, I believe in putting myself in their shoes, and I believe in not judging them, and I believe in overcoming circumstances, and to the best of my ability, helping others to do the same.

    Ut Prosim....... that is my name on here, it is Latin and it stands for "That I may Serve"

    that I may serve my God, Jesus Christ, that I may serve my fellow man, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to the best of my ability, with compassion, and without judgment.

  6. Try putting your feet in the patients shoes...you've been in a serious MVA (motor vehicle accident). You've just been told that you won't ever walk again....a year or two later, you're diagnosed as HIV positive (nothing in your clean church going past, has put you 'at risk'), you've recieved no transfusions, platelets or plasma. You got infected by an EMT who cut his hand on the wreckage of your car and then infected you....NOW how do you feel about it?

    I would feel horrible...... but this is precisely the point I have been trying to make......If a person has a disease such as the afore mentioned....and they have or have not done anything to contract it, but by some accident, have a disease, then should they be discriminated against? and stopped from going to EMT school, or the Fire Academy? Lets say just for arguments sake, we are talking about a 16 year old child, lets say all their life, all they have wanted to be was a Firefighter and an EMT, or a Paramedic, lets say this was their life dream, and they have been planning on going to school to fulfill their life's dream, and suddenly, they find out at a annual physical exam, that they have somehow contracted a disease, what a horrifying blow, what a life altering experience,....now.....they turn 18 and enter EMT school, should they be asked on the application if they have any diseases?......should they not be allowed into the program because of their disease?......that sound like discrimination to me.....and what if you were the parent of this poor kid?....you would be enraged at such a discriminatory decision on the part of the school, to not let your child into the program because of a disability that they have, you would start a petition, you would get a lawyer and threaten to sue, all the meanwhile, your 16 year old child is devastated, at home, wont leave their room, wont eat, totally depressed and crushed, all they wanted to do with their life was to be a EMT and a Firefighter, it was all they ever dreamed about, and now someone is telling them that they can NEVER be what they always dreamed of being, simply because they had somehow contracted an disease. OUCH!

  7. Geeze, man. This is the risk you run when you write things so rambling that they are hard to understand. I quoted over half of your poorly punctuated, run-on paragraph. I was trying to be succinct. But, if you'll point out which part I left out that you are just dying for me to specifically reply to, I'll be happy to accommodate you.

    LOL, you know what they say about opinions..... :pottytrain2: but hey...everyones entitled to their own. :roll:

  8. I think I am being misunderstood, and I guess it really doesn't matter, but I think it is dead wrong to discriminate against someone because they have a disease, put yourself in the other persons shoes here, lets say you have a disease, lets say you got it from a blood transfusion, or some other way that either was or was not your fault, now lets say all you have ever wanted to do with your life was be a nurse or a doctor or an EMT,Paramedic or a Firefighter, hmmmm, how would you feel if someone said, umm, lets violate your right to privacy, and lets discriminate against you because you have a disease that we as a people are afraid of, this happened to people in the days of Christ, when leapers were forced to remain outside the city and wear a bell around their necks so that when they walked around it would ring and everyone would know, hey...theres a leaper, they were hated and ostracized and forced to live like animals, publicly humiliated and verbally abused. feel free to criticize me for this post, lol, I'm sure someone will, go ahead, cut it apart, say I'm an idiot for respecting others and trying to put myself in their shoes, and for trying to love my neighbor as myself.

  9. I have read alot of the posts in this topic, and I have to say, I am surprised at some of the responses. Discrimination is not limited to race or sex or religious beliefs, it is also discriminative to exclude a person from their constitutional right to seek whatever career makes them happy just because they had or have a disease. Right now, if a person has committed and was convicted of a felony, in most cased they are automatically disqualified from applying for a job with Fire or EMS, that was their choice to commit that crime, Now, people don't always contract a disease like the afore mentioned from illicit drug activity or unprotected intercourse, there are plenty of babies born with those types of diseases every day, and some are purely and simply accidental, so should those people have lesser rights than the rest of us? Absolutely not. Compassion for others and the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others, who are by no choice of their own less fortunate than you, should be a part of all of "us" who joined the Fire and EMS service to help others, now do I want to be worked on by a person with HIV or AIDS or any other contractible life altering disease? Not really, but who's to say I haven't been already? and who's to say it should be illegal? My opinion is that we as a society, should not let our fear allow us to discriminate against other less fortunate people, all in all we are ALL God's creation, brothers and sisters who are called to "love one another"

  10. Where I am from, Fl., we cannot accept a refusal if the patient is too inebriated to adequately care for themselves and/or a danger to themselves or others, PD would be called, and eventually, they would either go with us, or with PD, and they usually choose us, lol, a warm bed in the hospital, or a cold jail cell, lol no real decision making there, now it is a totally different story if they are just plain ole drunk, as long as they can care for themselves and are no danger to themselves or others, they can refuse transport.

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