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Posts posted by AirForceMedic

  1. As an Air Force Medic (4NO)....yes, all medical personnel in the enlisted Air Force wear the same/similar badge above the left breast "U.S. Air Force" but we don't all do that same job. As a medic myself, we can do anything from work in hospitals to deployed environments. We are fairly versatile and know many skills from a basic assessments to IV's and phlebotomy to caring for traumatic and non traumatic amputations (as well as a million other injuries). I love my job. We can do so many different things. Although we don't get to come out with an RN or MD, we still get to jump right into patient care and really make a difference with whoever we care for. It does not matter if someone is an Air Force Medic, a Medic in the Marines, or Navy, or Army. Our mission is still the same.....and in the end we all step up and do what we are trained to do, even if it means working together and combining knowledge.

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