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Posts posted by medictx

  1. Scaramedic I did not attack or try to bully anyone. R/r911 took it upon themself to be rude and not investigate ffurther before responding. I apologize to you and anyone else that I may have offended.

    I was just stating and opinion that starting a IV should not be considered a conveinence because its something extra to have to hold or it gets tangled-up in the monitor cables. And that you should follow your protocols and standing orders. And if they were un-clear, consult with your MC for clarification. I did not once say anything about calling for orders to start an IV, thats reticules. I'm not even sure who posted that comment. And I agree with you about that there are "Mother may I " and cookbook medics out there that can not think out side the box. However, protocols and standing orders or recipe's as you refer, are in-place for reasons, and are given to us by a doctor(s) whom are more prepared based on our pt. assessment to dictate to us the best course of treatment for said pt. If you or one of your family members needed emergency medical assistance (heaven forbid), you would want the best medical treatment, and you would want the medic to follow the doctors orders for the best possible treatment. Not just some medic who has the ability to think outside the box, and thinks he knows whats best and just does whatever is a convenience.

    I hope your anwser would be NO. I would want someone who followed orders (recipe) to the letter. I'm sure that you have had a doctor come up to you and say great job, your treatment was perfect, he couldn't have done it better, you followed the recipe like clockwork. To me, following orders is a strong system and medic, and one that demonstrates the up-most professionalism and dedicated to education and progress to give the best possible emergency medical care.

    Again I apoloigze for offending this forum.


  2. The point I was trying to communicate is that: 1) starting an IV should not be an issue of convenience. 2) Protocols and standing orders are in-place to be followed. If a doctor states that when you start an IV and he/she wants fluid hung, then thats what you do. If he/she states you can lock off the catheter without fluid, then thats what you do.

    It's not your decision to make, you are in-place to follow doctors orders and not do something just because its one more thing to hold or get in the way.


  3. Lock or not lock. I am new to this forum but have been a medic for 15 years. I have seen this question talked about for a long time. Some say it's more convenient to lock: convenient for whom? the nurse, medic or pt. . My opinion is this procedure is NOT or should be considered a convenience. We are not doctors. If you can't decide on what is the correct thing to do, then consult with your medical control and review your protocol. Remember that the pt. is your first priority! DO NO HARM.

  4. Being close to your co-workers is unavoidable. Its going to happen even if the person is of the opposite sex or married. In any type of work were you deal with life and death there is a bond made. The trust factor becomes established and more important the companionship becomes needed. The fine line should be respected and not taken for granted. If you every cross the line, just remember it can come back too haunt you.

  5. Great job! Don't ever give up at what every you do in life. I know some guys that are in the same position you were, taking the TEST. I tell them this, you know the information (hopefully), and if you Don't know the info. take ten issuse your weak in and study one subject each day starting ten days prior to going to take your test. This helped me reduce the test anxiety.

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