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Posts posted by ozzieambo

  1. We do things a lot different here in the land down under. Just from your description you pt sound classic cardiac to me. For us straight on to high flow oxygen minimum 6ltr probably 15ltr on non rebreather mask based on colour of pt. All chest pain/suspected AMI get asprin (ASA) Nitro only if Bp higher than 100. morphine 2.5mg (can be given IM if no IV access) if not then IN Fentanyl or methoxyflurane (penthrax) for pain relief. By the sound of this pt we would of passed a code 3 (pt report to hospital) and rapid transport.

    Sounds like you need to cover your arse everyday at work. Keep track of things that go wrong and report if needed. Who cares if you are meant to be the junior officer we are talking about peoples lives here....

  2. sorry for the late reply only just joined. Firstly you need to decide where in OZ you are looking at settling down as each State has a different system (I would suggest contacting them all and seeing who would give you the best deal). In NSW (where I work) no pre-requisite training/knowledge required. You are trained on the job. Takes three years to be qualified. However i know they have taken international paramedics before and you do a introduction program to assess your skills and enter at the appropiate level. Not sure of the visa requirements but you may be able to get a sponsorship visa from the service which will keep you in the country...

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