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Posts posted by kd8htw

  1. see i have to put this in here to play devils advocate, In Ohio a fire dept owned squad does legally have the right-away gennerally this is assured with some sort of traffic control device, IE 3m opticon, however squads that are not FD run are only asking for the rightaway. I run on both FD and private squads that are primary response agencies. Now do i just bust ass into an intersection thinkin that everyone has seen my lights and heard my siren? HELL NO thats a suicide lookin for a place to happen.

    BTW there is no such thing as excessive air horn use when responding to a call :D

  2. we have some areas that we cover that it takes us 15 or more minutes to get to on a good day (litght traffic no inclimate weather) on a bad day that time goes up exponetially. Now I put my self in the place of a patient, would I want to sit and wait for the ambulance to get there, still feelinlg like i cant catch a breath and wondering when im going to pass out or do i accept the first responders help (ie our deputies carry O2 with NRM to atleast get that started) So yeah its partially placebo but it also helps, (i know it makes me feel better that there is atleast someone that knows a little bit about a little bit there patient side comforting and coaching.) Thats just MHO

  3. Here in OH we have a medic and a basic both of which have full blown OMVI (DUI) they both realize that they cannot drive even in an emergency situation, the medic has the stipulation that he is in the back full time (totes, BS runs, anything) and the basic is stuck to a daycar until he gets driving privileges back. HOWEVER this seems to be the exception to the rule. Most Company's will tend to pass you over.

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