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Posts posted by myethanoah

  1. Good for you.....I will just restate what pretty much everyone else has.....STUDY!!! Study so that you understand the material. The idea of studying a minimum of 1 hour per 1 course hour is a good one, although I would recommend more. Always remember that once your working as an EMT, you hold people's lives in your hands. Always try to think of how you would feel in the same situation that your patient is in, and how you would want to be treated.

    I agree with not hanging around as a basic, but do work for a while....it will help with your intermediate and medic training down the road. Good luck with everything, and pm me if you have a question, I'm always happy to help!


  2. Why aren't your gloves still on? I keep mine on, or if I am forced to re-glove, I will do so, until I am walking out after giving report. Just in case the pt. needs something else, I don't want to have to grab a new pair?

    In my state, the hospitals usually get to pick their own PINs for the keypad, so that is okay, but they all seem to be morons, and pick things like 100911*....not very original!! :|

  3. Hey....I am in NH too...where are you taking your class? Please let me know what kind of books/etc you have for your class....Once I know what books you have, I might be able to give you some suggestions as to how best to study. If nothing else, we can possibly try to talk on the phone sometime to see whats what....

    Whatever you do....don't give up if this is something you really want. I watched a lot of my fellow EMTB classmates walk out (which by the way was NOT only a 3 week class!!), and give up completely....only to realize later that they should have stuck with it. I am in the intermediate course now, and it is much harder than the basic class....w/b to me, and let me know, hope this helps??

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