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Posts posted by Firemedic405

  1. Now I know all Ya'll where just waiting for me to jump in.........

    Words of Wisdom... Be fast to think and slow to speak ; so I chewed on this for a while.....

    As a Dispatcher.. I answer multiple calls from EMS agency's, Hospital ER's, Highway Patrol, Sheriffs Office, Fire, Rescue, Conservation Officers...and YES the GP. (general public)

    Now. If you call me direct before you call 911 I am just gonna call your local 911 back door number and get you an ambulance, first responders, fire, rescue, sheriff.... what every my interrogation is gonna determine that you may need. YES I AM also gonna get you the closest air craft in route. In my world we work some VERY rural areas and often times my HEMS crews will land in a field or pasture or on the road side before anyone else can arrive on scene. While those resources are in route I am on the line with the caller asking questions and going over my EMD protocols. As a NREMTB and a EMD I can glean enough from the patients condition to give my crew educated patient information over the radio so they know what they are up against. My company ALSO staffs an in house RN. Medlink as we call it. She is the eyes and ears for the med crew while they are flying. She can also take the information I am taking from the patient and help pass information on to the crew. THIS way the crew gets the same effect of being on the phone with the caller yet they are freed up to concentrate on getting SAFELY to the scene.

    Its called team work. You gotta trust your counterparts that are put into place to follow through for you and you can't Need/want/HAVE to do every thing yourself.

    As a Certified Flight Communicator I can offer the same assistance to my Pilot, looking out for TFR's, keeping an eye on the weather, documenting and tracking part 91 vs part 135 (FAA requirement) flight following with GPS, fuel every 15 mins via radio contact (another FAA requirement) looking for refuel points, (do you know how to reference a FBO book for JETA vs AVGAS?)

    It's all about TEAM work and letting your Dispatch center work with you and for you. Trying to be on line with the caller while you are in route to the scene isn't all its cracked up to be-- Brentolie nailed it on that one.

    How would you handel the 23 year old female that was screaming crying into the phone because she was more worried about the fact that she had just left her 2 small children 3 and under alone at home while she walked down the street to the closest neighbors house to use the phone; due in part to the fact she was 5 months pregnate and having a miscarriage........... Lets not mention that as she stands there on the front porch of the neighbors home with blood pouring down both legs the residence has only MEN available to assist her........OK can we say DISASTER!!!!

    The men where freakin out more than she was at this point-- AND YOU think you want to talk to them on the phone yourself while your in route L&S trying to get to the scene before she goes in to a full fledged case of shock?

    Or would you rather let your communicator handel it? Let us instruct them to get her off the cold front porch, lay her down on her left side elevate her pelvis and cover her with a blanket.

    Would you like to calm this hysterical mother down or would you rather allow you communicator to calm her down by assuring her that you and your partners are sending a deputy over to the local sawmill where her husband works so he can go meet her at the hospital where she is being taken, while another deputy is responding to her mothers house and will take her mother over to be with her children so they won't be alone.... OH yeah you can't do that cause you are just you and your partner is driving and HOW many cell phones and radios do you have at your disposal? hhhmmmmm

    Team work... They don't call us Communication Specialist for nothing!

    I agree

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