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Posts posted by grems4305

  1. More importantly we should restrict people with blue eyes to the Basic EMT level only, it is a proven fact that they are poor decission makers - LOL OMG? Are you folks for real - oh I forgot, EMS'ers so everyone has an opinion and they are each correct and if not then argure your point with conviction and then consider yourself the winner - come on folks get real, stop being judgemental toward your brothers ans sisters in a noble profession - everyone worry more about yourself and less about other people - Can't we all just get along.... :o

  2. You heard it here FIRST - the real answer is cryogenics - no more prehospital care - show up and freeze the patient - stops all cellular degrigation and tissue damage - once at the hospital (no hurry getting there - stop at circle K for a thirstbuster) they can run the scans and test, plan the treatment, collect the fee then un-freeze them.

    Think about how this will deter the frequent flyers. :lol:

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