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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Power Rangers Samurai. 15 minutes I will never get back.

  2. Please join me in a vigil for Kim Kardashian. She seems so depressed over the end of her 72 day marriage.

  3. I am looking foward to a safe flight home to the family tonight. Grand Rapids to Cincinnati to KC MO. Exit row both flights, and one of the exit rows has only one seat and guess who is sitting in that single seat?

  4. just what is a canuck we separated chicken?

  5. Anothet funny. Lady getting off the plane said "look at all those people getting the hell out of michigan". Another person said they are leaving because you returned!!!!

  6. KCI airport, a dedicated airline crew line would keep people like me from being pissed off when 8 crew members arrive and cut in front of everyone. Just sayin

  7. Listening to a player piano whose batteries are about dead. Song playing "the hour waltz"

  8. Guy checking IDs was a real asshole today. Rude to everyone. Discussed his attitude with his boss as did the majority of people he pissed off. He was moved to a less assholish position.

  9. I refuse to subject my friends to any stupid take your first 10 friends and plug them in to this silly saying or whatnot.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yyoncZTnGU&feature=relmfu Mayhem commercials that you may or may not have seen. Some are truly hilarious.
  11. did anyone else predict that the uprising and democratic movement in Egypt to end badly and with the military taking it to the protestors in the streets. 35 dead, hundreds injured and who said that they didn't see this coming? Same with Libya..

  12. So CNN Is quizzing some people on Out Front show and the only reason why the supercommittee failed is because the republicans refused to make any concessions at all, it was all the republican's fault. I didn't expect anything less from CNN though.

  13. So this new show "You Deserve It!" where contestants play for money to give to a deserving person. So when they made the announcement I kept waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out and tell her "You Got PUnkd'

  14. Can matter be created or destroyed? Liams question of the day

  15. Spent a good part of the night up with colicky Kat. She was miserable.

  16. On a lighter note. I have two syringes of insulin, a tube of toothpaste and 3 chapsticks and I never take them out. I have never been questioned.

  17. Plane still broke......that is all

  18. On the road of experience, I'm trying to find my own way. Sometimes I wish that I could fly away When I think that I'm moving, suddently things stand still I'm afraid 'cause I think they always will And I'm looking for space And to find out who I am And I'm looking to know and understand It's a sweet, sweet dream Sometimes I'm almost there Sometimes I fly like an eagle And sometimes I'm deep in despair All alone in the universe, sometimes that's how it seems I get lost in the sadness and th...

  19. An actual post to a professional forum. "Sicme i was introduced to issue collector by yourself we have foun it a great tool, id be interested to know more how we can understand the files you collect to see if we can see if we can do anything ourselves. Is there any guides on using the files? to troubleshoot issues that may caued locally?"

  20. Anyone know a good tutor who specializes in dyslexia in the kc mo area?

  21. Thank you Expedia for once again cementing my hatred of the name Anandra

  22. So Rick Perry and other candidates are saying that they will get rid of the Department of Energy and the Department of Educaiton as soon as they are elected. The dept of energy employs 5000+ people and the Department of education employs 116,100. So what they are in essence saying "I'm going to get rid of 116000+ jobs on my first day of office"

  23. The 3:30 exodus from the office has begun.

  24. How are you supposed to call ATT Uverse and troubleshoot the line with them when your home phone is out? Plus the hold time was 35 minutes. They won't send a tech out till they get you to jump through all the hoops but you have to be on the phone with them(no home phone) in order to jump through the hoops.

  25. Another delay on delta. Seems like every other flight on delta I take is delayed. My flight is supposed to leave in ten minutes and we havent even boarded.

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