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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Lets catch these sh%÷=%tbags who stole this families stuff. This was my big fear on moving us back to missouri. At least they bought good insurance. But help them if you can.

  2. Marie Harf saved the day again.

  3. More debunking of the idiotic food babe. She needs to quietly go away.

  4. We got things from here Sheriff Roscoe...take flash and ride off to the sunset together.

  5. This chick is a nut job and is dangerous.

  6. The more i see of the Rock the more i like him. He is pretty cool.

  7. So Gabby and I are shopping at a local Hyvee Saturday and we decide to have a little father and daughter breakfast there. We are just finishing up our breakfast and our attention is brought to a elderly couple. They start to talk to us and the woman asks Gabby if she likes dolls. Gabby says yes she does. The woman goes on to tell me that she makes hand sewn doll outfits and has over 200 dolls and gives them away to young girls and young boys if they like dolls too. We got to talking...

  8. For my incredibly awesome hot wife Jennifer Ruff

  9. Funniest email addresses youve ever seen? GO!!!!!

  10. Everyone of those muslim bakeries should be held to the same standards as the christian bakeries but they WONT because it doesnt fit the current narrative.

  11. My hero got her bionic leg.

  12. Trying to get one month of health insurance until my work insurance kicks in. Id rather be covered in gasoline and dropped in a volcano. The people who run the exchange are a bunch of blithering idiots. Who authorizes a 8 hour maintenence period on the health exchange website on the last day of the month????? The village idiots at the healthcare exchange thats who. Now we have to get special approval to get a effective date of 4/1 since the website was down. Jeesh

  13. Get your pitchforks and clubs out...arkansas just signed the same religious freedom law that indiana did. Gov of ark said he would sign it. Why arent we up in arms over the kansas and missouri and illinois versions of these laws which i believe i read are nearly identical as well?

  14. Feeling down and sad. My family friend of 47 years Judy Mansfield passed away last night from cancer. She was a phenomenal teacher, mother, friend to my parents and all around good woman. Keep her family in your prayers today and in the days ahead.

  15. Ok, what runs through the mind of a 55 year old man that even remotely makes him think it's OK to take a young lady from her home, put her in your truck, drive her from her family and then take her across not only one, not two, not three but 6 or even 7 state lines. What makes you think that it's ok to take her away from the home that she lives in? What in your tiny little world makes it OK to take a 13 year old girl at any time? Mr Vallea you are a a FREAKING MORON and a scumbag. It does...

  16. Liam and i are spending our first night in the new house. Lets see if he gets a full nights sleep tonight.

  17. This is very funny. Some language though

  18. Super powerful. Great God led decision for this lady with an incredible result. God is good.

  19. This is watch worthy.

  20. Watching Conan the Destroyer and seeing the acting is like watching a couple of pre-schoolers talk. Every cast member in this movie is horrible. But the two worst are Grace Jones and Wilt Chamberlain. Watching them act is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  21. This is for Ace when he gets out again

  22. To all my er friends.this never happens to you all does it. I move for a immediate investigation.

  23. If these young men heard the remarks on the court then sure as heck people in the stands heard it. What does that say about the caliber of people that were in the stands. To me that is whats more shocking is that no one in the stands seemed to try to stop the behavior. Sad.

  24. This is really good news.

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