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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. If you see some integrity running around without an owner, it probably belongs to the Komen Foundation.

  2. Whos gonna watch the movie Groundhog Day today?

  3. Near 70 degrees today, maybe there is sumthin to this mumbo jumbo they call global warming!!!!!!!!! Nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ok, yesterday I thought that a contract was local. The hospital names are very similar and when the boss said "Childrens" I took it as Childrens Mercy. WEll it's actually Children's National in Washington DC. Can't think of a better place to bring my kids up for an educational vacation as well as seeing some of the most famous places in the world. It will all work out and wherever I go is where I go.

  5. May have a contract by end of week and best of all it will be local.

  6. Just who determines that canned dog food tastes like filet mignon??????

  7. On the bench for an unknown period of time.

  8. And another one drops out. So we have Bachman, Huntsman and now Perry. Who's next. I'll bet after this saturday depending on the numbers, that Newt is the next to go? I was completely right about the order of the first three to go. Am I right about the next?

  9. Tomorrow is my last day in Michigan for my client. Project ended early. As of Thursday afternoon I will be on a forced vacation(paid of course) until my company can find me my next project. It appears that it might be in Davenport Iowa but it could be anywhere in the US. So until they do find me a new client I will be getting lots of work done at home. Anyone wanna do lunch?

  10. 3 days and counting.

  11. I believe I just saw the guy they based Paul Blart mall cop on.

  12. I truly believe that the airlines have back rooms where all that is discussed is how to add just one more seat to an already overcrowded airplane. how to remove that last millionth of an inch of legroom and how to make two people meld into one person. The aircraft I am on has absolutely NO leg room, no space between passengers and just plain freaking uncomfortable. Thanks Delta.

  13. Truck on its side, load of turkey crap all across the road, windy conditions and third car behind the wreck all equals a very very stinky day

  14. Hot cocoa made with 2(two) packets of mix to a cup of hot water. Chocolate bliss in the absence of good chocolate.

  15. New Years Resolution - not to make 2012 worse than 2011.

  16. Its 530 and it usually takes 30-45 mins to fully board a delta plane but our departure time is 549. Does anyone see a problem with the math here.

  17. Am so frustrated right now that I just have to go and kill some orc's and their kin.

  18. So each republican candidate says they will repeal Obamacare. Does that mean that all provisions of Obamacare will go away if they repeal it? So those who got insurance with the no pre-existing conditions clause will be dropped? Plus how does a president repeal a law that is already in place? Do they just wave their magic wand and it goes away? I don't understand it?

  19. Removal of US troops from Iraq and back home - AWESOME but as a conspiracy theorist one might consider that they were removed from Iraq to be ready for a war with Iran. The Iranian government said for us not to bring the aircraft carrier that just left the Persian Gulf through the strait of Hormuz back. I suspect that if the carrier were to return through the strait that the Iranians might fire upon it. If that happens then what better place to send our troops into than Iran to topple th...

  20. Wasn't Bernard Taylor the superintendent of the failing KC schools a year or so ago? Maybe longer. Didn't he go to the Grand Rapids School district? IF this is the same person, He helped screw up the KC MO schools and now Grand Rapids Schools are in shambles. Taylor's getting rich moving from one district to another. He gets about 200K or even more for quitting.

  21. The 5pm exodus is beginning 7 mins early. I've done entirely too much computer work for a sane man to do so I'm going back to the hotel room to eat something, then watch a little BBT and finally log back on to complete my day's mission. Then maybe some WOW from 9pm to 10pm. My eyes hurt right now

  22. NEWSFLASH - With all the media in Iowa today you would think that some semblence of a newsstory would emerge from that State yet no news is forthcoming. Theres a crapload of money being spent in Iowa and they say only about 120,000 people will go to the caucaus or however you spell it. so for now it's all analysis on all the national news and what might happen or might not happen, what will happen if this happens or that happens. But NO NEWS YET!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't have picked a more...

  23. Colleague - "I've been tasked to tell engineering what is wrong with the software in terms that Engineering will understand" Colleague to Engineering "It No Workie" Engineering - "So that's what is wrong with it"

  24. I was told today by an Atheist and a Democrat that if I was a christian I would be voting Democrat and for Obama. She said the only party who is doing christian things is the democrats. The republicans are working to take all social programs away and the democrats are working to keep them. Hmmmmmm who to believe?

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