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Posts posted by Flashemtcc

  1. I like to use the paddles intially to get my quick look and 3 stacked shocks, while my crew sets up the pads and intubation equip. then stick on the combo pads anterior/post in case pacing is going to be done, plus always good to carry paddles hence they dont expire like combo pads, or slackers not checking to make sure their stocked, has happened to me before.

  2. to add my two cents, i too never met my father or mother i was an orphan, I would meet the guy because why not, i would follow what supasta and some of the others said, but if he had a chance to be in your life before and chose not to, i personally wouldn't wanna have anything to do with the guy, also did he support you financially growing up and if he didn't then he is a deadbeat.

  3. i think in your case its favoritism, when you become valueable or certified in something you need tell the officer in charge that you missed a lot of calls by like 1 min before they gave the call away because u didn't have a light and see what they say, i've use my light all the time and people get the f out of my way trust me i beat at least 5 min on average responding especially in traffic.

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