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Posts posted by Riskimedic

  1. It is known fact that when in checkoffs the basic skills are missed more than the actual medic skill. To answer your question yes I do miss an occasional EMT skill every once in a while, those who say they don't are FOS!! Engine 27 Lineman is right it isn't as widely known as we had thought. Back to the question at hand, should you go straight through EMT school and straight into Medic school? NO Take pride in your career and do it right!! Your patients and partners will appreciate it as will the hospitals you transport to.

  2. The basics!!! Alot of times paramedics get focused on their ALS skills and forget about a simple BLS skill. If you are a good medic and like to teach your EMT partner what is actually going on they will see some things that you miss. If you have to ask the question how can an EMT save a paramedic then you haven't been in the field long enough or you have a paragod complex.

  3. I would not advise going straight through. I was an EMT for 2 yrs in a BUSY 911 service before applying to medic school. You have to be comfortable as an EMT before you can become a Medic. Not saying that its not possible because people do it all the time. Spend a couple of yrs as an EMT and learn the ropes then get your medic.

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