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Posts posted by eroemmich

  1. That's what i meant by a few ambulances, we had the ALS/911 rigs, and the BLS rigs. BLS did "grandma" transports. And ALS did their job. And I was the driver, I only did the L/S to get a couple of cars out of the way, because as a good emt would know, the l/s would make the pt more confused. And I do consider myself a good driver, not perfect, but them not all persons are perfect. The pt's blood pressure went up and she turned white as a ghost. And I know she didn't go home a half an hour later, because my partner had to help with a cardic pt that came into the hospital as we were trying to leave.

  2. example of way an ambulance is needed.....I had a pt that needed transport from hosp to nursing home. I was driving my partner was in the back with her. The PA that was in charge said that she was fine and could go 'home'. The pt had a little anxiety, but was otherwise fine. Enroute to the 'home' her blood pressure went throughout the roof and would not calm down. Right there my partner and I had to make the choice of turning around or not. My partner said f... it and we turned around and was able to use our lights and sirens and make it back to the hosp without having any trouble. Now would a taxi be able to do that? I don't think so. Just because the pts seem like they can walk, you have to remember that any pt can be healthy one minute and crash the next. Our company has a few ambulances, they are used for many different reasons. We are all here to help people and that is what I will continue to do!

  3. :| I would start from the beginning and follow my MCI information that I have learned until more help arrived!! I would never leave my fellow human beings behind, family first yes, but they know who I am and what I do and they are proud of me for doing so!
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