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Posts posted by kelfr25

  1. The system that I work in has an interesting setup. Until recently we have always had at least a Basic and Paramedic on each truck. Anything less is just a transfer truck, and can only run ILS transfers. We have trucks with an Intermediate and a Paramedic, and we have several different levels of Paramedics. We have Secondary Paramedics, which can perform all their medic skills, but cannot ride the call in or write the chart. These people just haven't passed their interview with the medical director or haven't gone through their extra phase of training. This level is slowly being phased out. We have Lead Secondary Paramedics, that have their own truck, and can do all the skills and write the chart, but they have more restricted protocols, and a limited scene time. They have to call for orders for certain things, then we have Primary Paramedics, that have the least restricted protocols. In our system, which has been suffering from staffing problems as of late (ok... it's an ongoing thing, but the city just noticed), it is ridiculous to have two primaries on a truck together when they could be split up and create an extra truck on the street, which is what happens all the time. It takes an act of congress to get a double primary truck kept together.

    Also, I've been partners with several paramedics that like having a basic. they say that we notice things that they would otherwise forget, because we see things from a basic standpoint. Lets put in an OPA and bag, then worry about the tube, etc. CPR is always nice. They say (and I've seen since I'm in school) that it's easy to get involved in the ALS stuff and forget about the BLS stuff, like O2.

    Thats how I see it.

  2. Hi... I'm new here, so I hope I put this in the right place.

    I'm an EMT in Texas, and have been for two years. I have done career days through work, but I've always had my truck and my goodies to demonstrate. This time, it's just me. I volunteered to do it at my son's school for all the 2nd graders, including him, which may be part of why I'm so nervous.

    Anyone have any ideas on what to say? Thanks!

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