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Posts posted by JRockEMT

  1. Thank you on the baby congrats. I can't wait. I wish I had done more schooling first, myself, however things do happen. As far as the work load is concerned, though. I again do realize that 3 years in is just a small fraction of my career, but I worked pharmacy for 4 years, and have a good knowledge of drugs, also I have made it my job to do continue study and keep up on medical topics, and the people I work with know that on serious calls, I am ahead on getting things set up, and laid out for my medic. i don't in anyway feel that EMT's are better than medics, that would be stupidity, and it may just be that I myself am over due on getting my medic. But loving all aspects of this career, and truly appreciating what we due, I can't see myself, even after becoming a medic, getting so cocky that I forget were I came from. That there are good EMT's out there that I would rather on my side than Some medics. I believe in humility, and that as much as I may know, there is always someone in our line of work that knows more than me. Hopefully this clears my opinion on EMT's up.

  2. Medic was supposed to start a few months ago, however I have a baby on the way, and my wife had to be on a leave of absence for a while. So financially I have to wait for another year. Putting that aside, I do agree it is nice to have two ALS brains on a truck, and as far as doing ALS procedures it does help with the workload, but, I also believe that while having two Medics can be helpful, it is also in ways harmful. Unfortunately, some Medics do think that they are gods, and having two on a truck, causes ego's to get in the way of patient care. Also, most of those same medics that Think that they are the stuff, are very crappy EMT's. I will be a Medic soon enough, however I firmly believe, that aside from the massive amounts of EMT's who aren't in this job for the right reasons, there are EMT's that I would rather have on my side than most Medics.

    People like to wine about uneven workload, but both ( Medic and EMT ) are up running for the same length of time, and a GOOD EMT lightens the load on a medic a lot.

  3. I am new to this site, so if this topic has been done before, then I am sorry. However, I was reading JEMS Mag and there was a topic in there about partner preference, and I was kinda dissapointed with the results. I have been an EMT for 3 years now, so I know I have a long way to go, but, I do think I am a good EMT. The question was whether a Medic would prefer another Medic as a partner, or an EMT. Now I do agree that when I become a Medic, it would be nice to have another medic on my side to share in ALS procedures, but, I strongly believe that if you have an experienced EMT on your side you can run a call just as well. So please post up your feelings on the subject.

    Two Medic crew, or Medic and EMT crew?

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