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Posts posted by jjdjld1

  1. Hey PCP,

    Thanks for your response. My question was more along the lines of whether or not continuous positive pressure ventilation should occur while chest compressions are being performed in a pt that has no advanced airway (because of the potential of causing gastric distention). Or should compressions be stopped momentarily while ventilations are being done and then continue afterwards? In other words, in a CPR situation, with no advanced airway, would you stop every 30 compressions to allow your partner to ventilate or carry on pumping the chest anyway.

  2. Hi all,

    Have a small query that i thought i would run past everyone here. I've started noticing lately that a few EMS providers have been ventilating a non-intubated PT continously (via BVM/Ambubag and OPA) and ignoring the 30/2 CPR ratio. So in otherwords they are ventilating continously while chest compressions are being performed on a PT that has no patent airway. It was my understanding that this would cause severe gastric distention and increase the risk of aspiration. I was always taught that a PT without a patent airway gets a 30/2 ratio, and chest compressions need to be paused before each ventilation.

    What are your thoughts on this? I apologise in advance for a boring question.

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