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Posts posted by emt11

  1. Yo, EMT11...

    You thought the show was pretty accurate, and put a winky face after the code red reference. Tell me where in here you expected us to infer that you were one of the more professional members of our field? Most of us failed Psychic 101!!

    All we have to go on is what you say here and how you say it... sorry, it looked like you were in the "Rabbit" warren based on this post... glad to hear you aren't! Vent's not stereotyping, she's accurately assessing the situation...


    CO EMT-B

    If I was rising my hand in showing I was a member I would have raised it :wave: I was only "winking" at the members of the board who are members...they know who they are.

    I was merely agreeing with hardcoreemt on that I could name a person who fit the descriptions he posted. I did not imply I was one of them, just that I knew someone who fit. Psychic 101 is not necessary, just Reading 101. Did you answer his questions? I bet you could name someone who fit the description. Does that make you any less professional? No.

    You know what they say about assuming....

    I just want to go on record as stating that I don't trust akflightmedic or tniuqs around my spouse or children.

    I wouldn't either Dust.

    JS, been to Portland lately??

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  2. Did you miss the part where I referred to the person posting who is claiming to be in EMS and believes it is acceptable to drink and have sex in an ambulance? That is not about a TV show. I would hope most do not get into this profession just because of "these fun things" as well as all the whacker accessories or the lights and sirens. As a professional, I would rather move past the stereotypes that have been prevalent in EMS. It are those in EMS and not the public that continue to hold on to this skewed concept of what an EMT(P) is. As Dust mentioned earlier, the public knows the difference between a real doctor and some fictious version on TV because they have real doctor role models in their real lives. What does EMS have if those in the profession believe they are like the characters portrayed in these crappy shows?

    I'm the person you were referring to...you need to read my post again. Did I say I was a member of the code red club? Did I say is was acceptable to drink (I never mentioned drinking) or have sex in an ambulance? Before you start accusing people of being "whackers" or in it for the "fun things" I suggest you get your facts straight. I am indeed an EMT, intermediate for 8 years in fact. I have worked for both private ambulances and volunteer fire departments. Personally I am not a member of the code red club, yuck! I've seen what type of people are transported, again Yuck!But know several co-workers who are. In fact there have been numerous bragging sessions in the chat room in the 4+ years I've been hanging out at this site about sex in the ambulance and code red club. Either these egoistical EMTs were lying or the club exists. For every 1 EMT similar to those portrayed in the show I bet there more than 50 EMTs who are there for the job and none of the "fun stuff".

    Before becoming an EMT did you think all EMT's were sexist pigs? No, probably not. You probably became an EMT, like everyone else here, because we like helping people or want to be in the medical field. Airplane pilots and stewardess have been long accused of sleeping together, so does that mean every pilot and stewardess are screwing...probably not. Because of this reputation do you think a pilot is any less skilled at flying a plane? Probably not. EMTs are no different, in the field we are professional.

    If anyone is stereotyping it's you......

    • Like 1
  3. Aren't we just a bit more knowledgeable now on prevention, transmission, and treatment of diseases these days? Do you really think we could have an epidemic of that magnitude here?

    I believe we are a lot more knowledgeable now than we were in the 1918's. Just look in the EMS field...how long have gloves and protective eye wear been a part of the attire? What about washing hands after using the restroom?? I'm sure that wasn't being taught in the 1918's.

    From the CDC website: "For all-cause deaths, CDC estimates that approximately 51,000 deaths are associated with seasonal flu." Seasonal flu never received the same news attention until the N1H1 came around....

    It's the flu people....wash your hands and cover your cough

    • Like 1
  4. The EMS characters were dead on.

    The male ALS provider with an ego from hell, does anyone here not know one of those ?

    The female EMS provider screwing around, do we not know one of those ?

    The male EMS provider with marriage problems because of an affair, ever see one of those ?

    The new guy catching hell because he is the new guy, anybody here ever done that ?

    EMS providers drinking after the shift is over, anyone here not ever thrown back a few ?

    :wave: Oh! Pick me! Pick me, I know the answers!!

    Of course we all can answer these questions. I'm with you hardcoreemt, I thought the show was pretty accurate too, except if I wore my uniform unbuttoned to my navel I'd get fired. But other than the lack of helmets, it was pretty close. (would all the members of the code red club please raise their hands) ;)

  5. I'm on both sides of the fence. I had several high school students in my EMT-B class who had to wait a month to take the state test because my state requires EMTs to have a high school diploma or GED. All passed with the exception of one and this person had no business being in the class. The class was sponsored by our FD and since the high school students were members of Junior FF program the department couldn't say no to the one student. But since he didn't pass, this weeded him out of the EMS system. You can't touch a patient if you can't pass the test.

  6. What they are not telling you about the N1H1 vaccine is it is for the older strains. N1H1 is mutating, so chances are if you are exposed or have N1H1 it is not the same as the vaccine and would be susceptible anyways. In my "day job" I work in a lab with a bunch of micro geeks, not a single one of them is getting the vaccine. It hasn't been tested enough or long enough.

    N1H1 is the flu....wash your hands and cover your cough, simple as that.

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