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Posts posted by MO_EMT_Girl

  1. I'm taking Human Biology right now and my professor requires that every week we turn in an article review. The article must be at least two pages long, and somehow related to human biology. He also wants it to be about something we enjoy and because we have to present it to the class I would prefer it to be somehow related to EMS. Any suggestions??

  2. Ok, so here's my situation, hopefully it somewhat fits in with the forum topic, i didn't know where else to put it, so here we go...

    I got into a car accident about a month before my national testing and a week before my EMT-B class finals. It was a pretty bad accident (major neck/back injury) but I tried my hardest to stay and finish the class and testing. Thankfully the injury kept me out of work so it was almost a blessing that I got to study ALL THE TIME. I passed everything easily and got all of the paper work for my state licence. That was a little over six months ago (the accident) and I am finally getting to the point where I can actually start working again. The thing is I am a little freaked out now because I haven't been able to keep up with my EMS knowledge as much as I would like to. Is there any website, study guide, book, class, etc. that you would recommend I look at before I apply? I really want to know my stuff for interviews and honestly for the welfare of my patients. I've been keeping up with my CEUs for the most part but I need something else. Can anyone help??

    Much appreciated!!!

  3. Ok, here's mine...

    It was right after my last clinical shift for my EMT class. I was feeling pretty good because we had gotten numerous calls and various ailments. I was running late for a get together with some friends, because we got dispatched to a call right before I was supposed to leave, and I was all for staying. So I decided to change when I got there, it wasn't too far anyways. I am having a good ol time driving to her house, proud of myself for the days accomplishments when my car lurches forward and I black out. I wake up and realize that someone had rearended me. I was stopped at a red light and this kid going at least 40mph hit my car dead on. Well, me being me, go through the assessment in my head. I can feel everything but I can't move my neck. In fact, I try to move my head and my neck wouldn't support it at all. It hurt like crazy, but I wanted to play it off as no big deal. well witnesses had called 911 and had said how I had LOC so needless to say I got the full parade-PD FD and medics. This is probably a good time to mention that I had to wear a full uniform to clinicals and was feeling pretty embarrassed. FD is the first there and I can hear them trying to decide whether to backboard me or KED me. at this I proceed to yell "Don't KED me!" they laugh and agree. thankfully the medics that pulled up were from another district so I didn't know them, but the hospital that they brought me to was the one I had been in all day. The nurses actually thought it was a joke. I haven't lived it down yet, but I am sure I will do something more embarrassing soon :wink:

  4. Just another update. I received my MRI results yesterday and I have a pretty bad herniated disc. :D It is my L4/L5 disc. I wanted to know if anyone had ever dealt with this before. I have a consult with a neuro surgeon on the 10th but I am trying to figure out all of my options. We'll see. I am pretty much taking a while off and instead of getting a year's experience before medic school, I am going straight in. School starts the fall of next year, if I even get in.

  5. Ok, I went to the doctor today because my back has been bothering me A LOT more lately. He was awesome and knew exactly what he was talking about (which hasn't been happening too much lately) He basically voiced what I had pretty much already figured out but needed to hear. I have a bulging disc. Great. My take is that I am having a lot of pain from it so it must be pressing on a nerve. I am getting incredibly frustrated with all of this. My job demands very little of me physically, and the shifts are only five hours long, but by the end of the night I am in so much pain that it makes me nauseous. I cant sleep and have become quite iritable. I can't go back to school because I missed registration and I can't afford it anyway. So I guess I am just venting but I don't know what else to do. I feel that I have exhausted all of my options.

  6. Thanks for the advice. I agree with you guys 100% I pretty much needed to hear it come from someone else. I had forgotten how much CPR can strain you back, very good point, I was all caught up in the lifting aspect. I'll hold off for a couple more weeks and talk to my doc

  7. Ok, so I was just finishing my EMT course when I was hit from behind by a guy who wasn't paying attention. He was going 40mph, I was at a dead stop at a light. Needless to say I had the worst case of whiplash and my C-spine was actually off an inch and a half. I kept at studying for my licence and got both nationally registered and state registered. Problem is the accident was three and a half months ago and I am not sure when to start up again. I have someone waiting for my application because I was pretty much offered the job already but I don't want to injury myself before I even get going. I plan to stay a basic for a year before going to medic school and I really have a passion for this field. I am going to physical therapy once a week, and I am closing out my case with the chiropractor and the massage therapist. I was going to each of them three times a week at one point. I am torn between the fact that I need a job bc of insurance and wanting to go into the field I love. I don't know if that job will wait for me much longer... help!

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