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Posts posted by broken

  1. Kind of hard to be active in pursuit when your sitting in a wheelchair.

    Kind of hard not to be mad at an EMT when all they had to do is take you to the hospital you wanted top go to and this couldve been avoided.

    Kind of hard to go thru the same suregery 2x in 60 days.

    And FYI,Hospital is wanting to settle and every lawyer says my "malpractice" case with the EMT's is not strong enough to take on.Hence why im taking my settlement $$$$ and suing the EMT's.

    katebemeEMT and Dustdevil,you guys cant read and are bad EMT's.Not once have I said anything about lacerations.Not once.

  2. Wait till the shoe is on the other foot and its you or your loved one that gets carried to the bad hospital and gets screwed up.I hope and pray it never happens to yall but what goes around does come around.

    120 hour 1st aid course huh and you think you know whats best for someone?Good god,what idiots.

    I will sue in court and win or run this ambulance service out of buisness with ads on telivision.PEOPLE DESERVE BETTER FROM SOMEONE WHO GETS PAID TO HELP THEM.

    Im paying for the ride,ITS MY TAXI.

  3. Why would I sue EMTcity or its members replying in this thread?Theyve done me no HARM where as the EMT's who kidnapped me did......

    If you want to disagree with me,thats fine.

    But why name call and insinuate that I have mental problems?Thats just childish.

    99% of EMT's are community college grads,not doctors.Thats a fact...Why let the truth offend you?And why think you know more about medical care than the average joe?

  4. Hello broken, you found a way to get two names? This horse has been beaten to death and then some. Let it go. Leg needed to be traction splinted. MOI would make back board necessary. Were mistakes made? On your part yes because you crashed and for other reasons possibly, on the ff probably since they had not immobilized you, on the EMT's part possibly, on the hospitals part possibly. Be happy surgery went well, we are happy for you. Let it go, live and learn. Enough said on this dead post, actually to much said.

    I bet youre the worst EMT around man.Like I said,they teach you LAW at community college?

    Let it go hell.Ive got $300k coming from MALPRACTICE $$$(the pain I suffered,you couldnt pay me $3 million to go thru willingly!!!!) AND IM GONNA SPEND IT ALL TO MAKE SURE OTHERS RIGHTS ARE NOT VIOLATED LIKE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope these EMT's and the ambulance service they work for have $300k to cough up for lawyers bills cause I sure as hell do;)

  5. khanek also remember a argumentative, aggravated acting patient is a classic sign of head trauma, so everything said is from a person not legally able to make decisions. So then as a crew you do what you deem is best for the patient under implied consent.

    I guess they teach you these things at community college?Head trauma,NOT BY A LONG SHOT.

    I was told by an EMT the second I got on the scene that I was going to hospital b and it was the law.That was a LIE.


    I hope none of yalls life is ever put in jeaopardy by some community college idiot who thinks hes a doctor!!!!!!!!

    And as far as the firmonkeys,its a VOLUNTEER FD and they dont have jack for equipment,hell,they dont even get paid.

  6. If you were the patient and were told right off the bat that you were going to the crappy hospital,no if and or buts,WOULD YOU THINK THE EMT'S HAD YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART?NO SIR.

    I had surgery Monday morning.Full range of motion right out of surgery(pre surgery 100*)Most of the pain is gone.Only thing hurting is the incisions and the bone graft.

  7. Secondly:

    I sense that your involvement here is other than a Professional Inquiry ?

    In fact the "tools" that treated you so poorly, could it be perhaps that you were just a just a bit overbearing, attempting to dictate your own care? Have you ever wondered why you were tod to shut up...or was it more like "calm down sir, please its in your best interest.

    And so just who decided that Hospital "W" for... whatever, has such a poor reputation? Personally I have found (with a just a few years of experience under my belt) that one facility should NOT be judged based on opinions of others (I don't) well until I have personally been mistreated. The fact remains that your closed femur fracture could have been treated by most "non trauma designated facilities"

    So just why did you not receive Medication for 4 hours for your Pain....hmmmm I wonder?

    I know its my fault that I was riding a 4wheeler after working hard 60+ hours a week(more of that "organ donor" mentality)

    Your statement copuldnt be further than the truth.And if so,how can 8 people on the scene say the same thing??Were we all dreaming?Even if I was (which I wasnt),what gives an ambulance driver the right to cripple someone or deem what they see is good for them WRONG?Overbearing or exagerating my ass!!!I could type all night and tell ya stuff that was done wrong with the hospital...like when I caught an elderly nurse checking my gaping wound out ungloved,and youre DAMN right I was adamant that she should get her hand the hell away from me.

    It all changes when its you and things are too late and youre the one who is messed up.

    Accident:riding a power line,VERY small incline,4 wheeler susp hit rut and stops slinging me right into the handlbars,I hear and feel the break and land in a rut on my left side,with my broekn right leg.1st thing I did was unzip my pants and check for a compound fracture and then took vital,pinching myself all over my body,wiggling toes.Moving fine in the rut as long as I pick up my leg(which I do to get on the backboard and on and off the gourneys)Tell my friend who's riding with me,"lets give it a min,I think I can get back on the 4 wheeler and ride it out"Well,I couldnt as it was just to painful to try and move the 1 leg,so I say call an ambulance.Been riding over 20 years,got my 1st one when I was 5,never had an operators license,theyre for OFF road and to the best of my knowledge,require no license.Also never been an EMT or work EMS but I know how to size somone up,myseldf included.

    Ive gotten what I wanted,honest anwsers and to educate those few who might pull somthing like this.I know most people in the medical profession are great and caring people who do this to help others.Its when you personally run into that 1% of em that are SOB's,it certainily isnt a good situation ya know?

  8. I respect youre professional opinion but I was there,100% on what the emergency was and aware of what I wanted for my medical care.And that was to get me to hospital a lighning fast to let a pro take a look,not some elderly half wit that calls themself doctor and is refusing to let you go,laying in the ER for 2 hours without pain meds.Not argue with me "saying its the law" and taking 45-55 minutes to drive 29 miles.No drinking,no drugs, a compliant,responive,in charge patient according to my states patient care protocols Section 2


    After talking to a reg emt director(?)he informed me that this amb service has had alot of problems(500 employees,90 ambulances)I dont want anyone else to suffer the consequences I have from down right LOW medical care.A police officer I knew says he hated to take prisoners there,1st words onut of my mouth were "dont take me to hospital b" the next word out the emt's was "thats where youre going,its the law"It was a lil 2-3 minute argument after that.At this point,im just over 1 hour since the accident.

    So far,I count at least 15 infractions,They didnt even have shears as required by state protocol.The SOB's were quick to inform myself and my emergency contact person that "its the law,he has to go there" though

    Flying out in the AM to get my "fix it" surgery done Monday.The weird thing is,im actually looking forward to it because it means I will WALK again.All from an EMT that did it for whatever reasons,wether he was following "protocol " or not.Clearly he hasnt read protocol for patient care?

    Also remember,the ER doctors didnt roll me either.They didnt put it in traction till probably midnight or later.No cat scans,nada but a few x rays(which I know was mishandled as well,why I didnt want to go to the hospital anyways,I knew they were incompetent!!!!)And dont I know it I was lucky!!!!I thanked the lord he spared me seconds after the wreck.I was slung into the handlbars shattering my femur.I was 100% that I was OK on impact.I will never get on another cycle again though.To afraid of bad medical care since most in the med profeesion look at em like "organ donors"

  9. Determining if some one can make their own decisions requires more than just being A&OX3 or 4 or 8. They have to have the capacity to make that decision. This means that they know and UNDERSTAND the consequences of being treated or not treated. You can decide if a patient has the capacity by doing an adequate assesment. It is not a very difficult thing to do. If you are not comfortable with your ability to assess a pts capacity, call medical control and let them get on with the doc. Taking a pt to a hospital that they do not want to go to (assuming they have the capacity), as previously stated, is kidnapping. Good luck defending that in court.

    To the OP, as screwed up as this crew was, about the only thing they did do correctly was put you on your back and immobilize you. You should have been boarded and collared. You suffered a trauma severe enough to fracture your femur for christ's sake. There is no way to r/o cervical injury. Obviously, you were in a position to refuse this, but they should have leaned on you to go with the proper treatment. I'll let others debate the advice given by firemonkeys. However, it seems they missed the boat by not putting a traction splint on, which would have alleviated a great deal of your pain. Any ER should be able to handle the beginnings of a trauma (assuming they have a real ER doc and not an internist or surgeon there). You come in, get stabilized and get sent on to specialty care. If they have a CT they can handle trauma (even if they are not a designated trauma center). That is not to say that a trauma center wouldn't be a better choice.

    The way this call should have gone down:

    1. Pt fully immobilized

    2. Traction splint applied and narcs given

    3. Transport to hospital of pt's choice with emphasis made to pt that a trauma center would be the best choice.

    They didnt roll me on my back...I wouldnt let them and the fire and rescue wouldnt let them.The closed fracture was clearly visible on the back of my leg.I was strapped on my left side with an air bag surrounding me so I couldnt roll.Firemonkeys DID THE RIGHT THING!!!

    No way in hell would I let them roll me on my back or give any other medical attention after I was told to shut up when I screamed out in pain on the roughest 10ft ride ever or after I was told "youre gonna take this IV or were throwing you in the back of that cop car and taking you to jail,and then were gonna take you to hospital b anways.The EMT got out of the ambulance in a bad mood(8 fire and recue people confirmed this)

    Prtocol isnt law and you cant shove it down my throat,even though they did with threats of jail and ending up in a crappy hospital(which I ended up in the crappy hospital anyways!!).The IV that they tried busted my vein as well.......

    You think you know about pain??From the time I had my accident till the time I got anything for pain,it was almost 5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Being moved on and off back boards and stretchers 4 times.You guys have no clue on pain until youve had a frcture and are forced to move.

    Then ER doctor wouldnt let me go until I had surgery.

  10. Um no.

    Protocols are GUIDELINES. If a patient is CAO x4, guess what? Your protocols don't mean jack. My protocols say I give NTG to someone with CP. What if they refuse? After I determine they are CAO x 4, I'd make sure to explain why declining NTG is not in their best interests. Then, guess what? They don't get it. If they tell me no, it's assualt to do anything otherwise. You cannot force your protcols on anyone who is not incapacitated.

    And yes he can be guarenteed to not be altered. Do you know your name, age, location, present events, year, month, etc. etc. Is he NOT under the influence of alcohol or drugs? If you can answer them correctly, guess what? You're CAO x 4. Not to start an argument, but if you took this guy to the hospital he didn't want to go to, you're now charged with kidnapping.


    I wanted the guys EMT revoked and him fired.Ambulance company owner says "what about his lively hood",I say "what about not being able to walk correctly!!!!!"Now,I have been left no choice but to sue and get attorneys involved,which I really didn't want to but im left NO CHOICE.

    You guys should be more offended by this persons actions as he makes it harder on all the good,caring EMS personal that I know are out there.......Not to mention it makes malpractice go up!

  11. 1#They work for a private ambulance company here that is very big,DIDNT ASK ANYTHING BUT THERE NAMES AND THEY LIED ABOUT EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I screamed out in pain once and that was when the EMT's pushed me 10" across bumpy ground with roots all over the place(bumpiest ride I took).The 30 mins out of the woods in the back of the truck I didnt scream in pain or cry once,I ALSO TOLD THE EMT's THIS,LUCID,LUCID,LUCID,LUCID..ALSO,HOW CAN YOU BE SO INSISTENT THAT ITS A TRAUMA BUT NOT GIVE PAIN MEDS??????????????????

    2#Nope.Common sense tells me that if a patient wants to go to a certain hospital,its there right to die wherever.Document it,have the patient sign it, and its NO PROBLEM.Dont have to be a genius to figure that one out.Or do you???

    #3 Im actually not doing OK.Ive got to have a painful surgery and start over becuase some EMT thought he was GOD.Thank god I found a doctor who would address the problem.Thats 2 $50k plus surgeries,alot of people wouldnt be able to get that 2nd surgery because alot of people dont have health ins,luckily,I do.Not to mention the pain,youd have to have it happen to you to understand....The mental anguish from being told youll never walk correctly and your leg will never bend,the pain from a huge cut and peice of metal jammed all in your muscle's.Then the straight up anger when you think how this couldve all been avoided if someone followed your wish's.WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF SOMEONE CRIPPLED YOU OR ONE OF YOUR LOVED ONES?????????????WHAT COULD AFFECT YOUR LIVLY HOOD MORE THAN BEING ABLE TO WALK??????Id rather have my ability to reproduce taken away ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!

    #4 Closed femur fracture but visible from looking at my skin on the back of my leg.You mean to tell me youd roll a patient onto his fracture thats gouging thru muscle??The EMT's werent even paying that attention,it had to be pointed out by the fire and rescue with them insisting "dont roll him over on the frature"they were just trying to get home for dinner in there town.Fire and Rescue insited on using air bag and strapping me on my side.They saved me and id kiss their feet if I could.

    Was also told by an EMT "If you dont let us give you an IV,were gonna throw you in the back of that cop car,take you to jail,and youre gonna go to hospital b anyways"


  12. ALSO,FYI DOCTORS DONT WANT TO FIX SOMEONE ELSES MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cant blame em,who wants to get in a big malpractice suite?Luckily,I found a doctor who will fix me out of state in Houston,TX.I had another competant doctor in my home state saying,I dont know why the orig doc made your leg 1.5" to long and I dont know why you cant bend your leg.

    I hope and pray none of you ever put anyone in this kind of position.Im sure alot of you know which hospitals you all wouldnt want to go to.

  13. I am the patient....I was taken to a sub standard hospital that mutilated me AFTER I SAT IN THE ER 2 HOURS WITHOUT PAIN MEDS.

    Femur fracture did hurt bad but ive got a high tolerance and knew where I didnt want to go.No pain meds were administered by the EMT's,EMT's went 50 mph in the slow lane(which is also the roughest BTW) and didnt run red light's.Hell,they stopped at a red light right in front of the hospital.

    A lilttle history about me.Im a PADI master scuba diver trainer,PADI medic 1st aid intructor,and have worked in that profession for 5 years.In that time I have seen many stoke,heart attack,and drowning victims,at least 15.Im no stranger in doing whats right for the patient,esp if theyre LUCID and know whats going on.CALM THE PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I also suffered a gun shot wound to my other leg 10 years earlier,point blank.EMS did exactly what I wanted and took me to the "good" hospital 30 miles more away.Nothing but good things to say about those guys.

    If it werent for the fire and rescue guys almost getting in a fight with the idiot EMT's WHO WERE TRYING TO ROLL ME ON MY BACK AND STRAP ME,I WOULDVE LOST MY LEG.


  14. #1 scats comment showed protocol allowed for a way to go to another hospital.

    #2 in my area as stated there is no choice because there is only 1 hospital and it's 90 miles to it. In the scenario I would follow procedures to get patient where they want to go.

    #3 If my family is serious enough for ambulance I will by pass hospital and meet air ambulance accross street from hospital, I do the same for my patients all the time. Why waste time with the rent a doc. The reason before you ask why not have the helicopter come to location is nearest helicopter or fixed wing takes more than an hour to land at airport next to hospital. I am already at location prior to their arrival. So we cut off time by driving to meet them.

    Then why the comment "im glad they have no choice"?Were not talking about in your neck of the woods what would you do...Were talking:

    HOSPITAL A=19 miles away,no trauma,PATIENT OK TO GO THERE

    HOSPITAL B=29 miles away,trauma hospital but is know for SUB STANDARD CARE,PATIENT INSISTING HE DOESNT WANT TO GO THERE.

    HOSPITAL C=32 miles away,good reputation,PATIENT OK TO GO THERE

    Whats the correct choice with a lucid,non emergency patient?Push protocol aside,were talking the human thing to do....

  15. So as has been stated transport per your protocols. Thankfully in my area there are no choices, your stuck going to a bandaid hospital with rent a docs that then decide to ship you to another hospital by air or by ground contract ambulance.

    Well then I feel sorry for anyone that rides in your ambulance.What if it were your family member,would you want them to have sub standard care?

    WERE TALKING 5 MILES MORE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL OF THE PATIENTS CHOOSING.Protocol IS NOT law and is open to much broader interpetation.

  16. Lets just say that hospital b is known around the state for messing patients up more than they fix them.

    You mean to tell me you guys are going to take a LUCID patient somewhere against there will/wish's??Why not go the extra 2 miles out of the way and go to a trauma hospital that the patient is comfortable with?

    And lets throw somthin else in....You took patient to hospital b,against his wishes and the docs there totally messed him up.He was a healthy young man and now,10 weeks after his accidnet,he has 100* range of motion and walks with a terrible limp that docs say will not go away without surgery.SHOULD YOU BE HELD FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE?REMEBER,HE WAS BEGGING YOU NOT TO GO TO HOSPITAL B.You didnt do the actual surgery but you did take him somewhere he was insistent that he didnt want to go to because he knew they were not good doctors.Seems that hospital b said he wasnt going anywhere until after surgery.

    Nevermind what protocal is,were talking ethically and morally,should you respect this persons wish's?Thyere in alot of pain and I dont think theyd be making a stink about going to hospital b if it wasnt important to them.

  17. Patient wants to go to hospital,just not hospital b.Hospitals a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k hes fine with,not b.

    Patient is LUCID AS CAN BE,NO HEAD INJURIES,NO OTHER INJURIES ASSESSED BY SEVERAL EMT,FIRE AND RESCUE,ETC.Patient is also medically trained and familiar with ABC's,1st aid, etc.

    Also,patients emergency contact person says "dont take him to hospital b,go to a or c"

  18. A patient has had a 4 wheeler accident and shattered his femur.He is transported 30 mins out of the woods in the back of a truck via fire and rescue.The patient is stable and in alot of pain but is very lucid and insistit he doesnt want to go to hospital b.EMS arrives on the scene and takes over the care of the patient.Youre informed by the fire and rescue that patient is in alot of pain but has no other injuries besides broken leg and that he insists that he doesnt want to go to hospital b thats 30 miles away and is a "trauma hospital"There is hospital "a" thats 19 miles but its not a "trauma hospital",then theres hospital c that is a "trauma hospital" and it is 32 miles.Patient is good besides pain,all vitals are 100% fine,no crying,no screaming,very lucid,and insisting dont take me to hospital b.

    What do you do?

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