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Adam Swartz

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Status Updates posted by Adam Swartz

  1. Today I am thankful for my family, My truly awesome surgeon who saved my life basically from FAP. And an awesome job in EMS.

  2. Just realised something. I'm probably one of the only Jew's within like 100 or so miles of Mahnomen MN working. Feels cool. Now the question is should I wear a Kippah at work? Thanks in advance to my awesome friends.

  3. Car is getting the oil changed at a local business here in Mahnomen. Feels good to support a local business rather than go to a dealer

  4. back from a transfer to fargo. Good night world. Have sweet dreams.

  5. dear pancreatitis go away

  6. Happy holidays to all.

  7. RIP grandma Rhoda, you've been gone since December 5,2005 I miss you and love you. I know you and Bobba are back together again and have a nice drinkipoo together.

  8. Admitted with gi bleed

  9. Praying for those affected by a shooting at Virginia Tech.

  10. Starting to feel better. Hopefully going home today.

  11. LA bound wednesday night. Yippee get to see the fam for the holiday's.

  12. @occupy dsm. Hell ya!!!!!!!

  13. Sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to LAX. Not leaving on time. Sched. 2040 and actual probably 2300. Allegiant why so delayed and why do your ticket counter ppl have no freaking clue?

  14. my heart goes out to those in Dallas Texas affected by the tornado that hit. Stay safe.

  15. Well boys and girls, in less than 12 hours I will be getting my port put in. It is gonna be done under general anasthesia so i feel nothing. I'm nervous but ready. Question of the night is should I shave my hair before chemo or let it go naturally? Thanks for the replies.

  16. Hopefully they put in a power port and not a non power. If they did non power I'll have to redo the procedure to get a power port.

  17. Had a truly wonderful sleep last night. First night at home in almost 5 days. Off to the oncologist this afternoon for my office appointment. Might even start chemo treatment today or tomorrow. Port is in and I have confirmed that it's a power port. Thanks for you kind thoughts and prayers everyone. It is nice to know that I have truly wonderful friends.

  18. Well off to the oncologist at 130 today. Hopefully start treatment soon. Maybe today. Have a great day everyone.

  19. Still cannot believe that Drug companies can continue to be allowed to have a shortage of drugs. This is a bad thing. Some of my meds and chemo meds are on shortage. Don't they realise that there is a desperate need.

  20. Dear my health insurance company, why do you require a pre- pre- authorization on my long acting pain medicine? Sincerely, Pissed of patient in pain

  21. I have awesome friends. I appreciate the chats every day. They truly brighten my day up. I am always around if ya need to to chat. Please have a wonderful easter.

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