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Adam Swartz

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Status Updates posted by Adam Swartz

  1. Feels like a complete idiot this morning for oversleeping two alarms!

  2. It's my friday today. I'm happy. Get answers tomorrow so yea. Hoping the Ampulla is good to go.

  3. Gas is down to 3.35 a gallon now all over des moines!!!!!

  4. good night facebook. My weeks done and Endoscopy in the morning. Should get some answers in the morning as to why I keep getting pancreatitis. lmfao hope it works.

  5. Off to mercy for another endoscopy to get answers.

  6. Goodnight Facebook. I'm going to bed. need to get a hell of a lot of sleep. Good week this week. Full week of work.

  7. Your attention please. A severe thunderstorm is less than an hour out of des moines. Large hail and 60 Mile an hour wind

  8. sitting awake still at 0500 why am I awake. Ohh ya the pain pills aren't kicking in. Dammit.

  9. Just realized I've been up for a day plus

  10. I have been up since 11am Monday. Wow how am i awake.

  11. Well world. it's now about 4 in the morning and I am now going to bed. I'm exhausted. If it's an emergency my Cell Phone is on. Please don't call unless an emergency. Thanks again. Have a great night and cya.

  12. 25 total miles on the bike. I'm not dead yet.

  13. Ok, why am I still awake at 0330 on a Saturday night/Sunday morning? Ohh ya can't sleep for whatever reason. Excited to spend my Sunday afternoon with my awesome mamma Becky Swartz Solomon. Ohh and Leah Swartz wish that you were here so we could have a family Iowa Style afternoon in the heat. Did you get a good laptop?

  14. going to bed. goodnight facebook.

  15. Happy 4th of July to all of my friends. Too all EMS Friends stay safe out there in the heat. Drink Water.

  16. is really excited to be volunteering this week with Relief Spark in Joplin Missouri to give back to a community that has been just devastated just over a month ago by a massive tornado.

  17. On the way to joplin Missouri

  18. Have alot of pics to upload now from the initial survey of the area. Wow

  19. Pics are up now. Amazing courage by ppl here

  20. First whole day in Joplin. Have a good day.

  21. Cleveland Clinic in a week. Hope for answers.

  22. Please copy and paste this into your status if you know someone, or have been affected by someone who needs a punch in the damn face. People who need a punch in the damn face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for people who need a punch in the damn face, except a punch in the damn face. 93% of people won't re-post this. Why? Because they probably need a punch in the damn face

  23. 2 days left at work for the week.

  24. Thanks For the convo Deborah Alexander as you said perfectly. It's nice to have a person to chat with who is in the same situation. Dear FAP, You suck!! Luve me.

  25. it's hot as hell outside ppl. Please be careful. I am staying in the rest of the night. It's just too hot out to do anything. It's gonna be a fun week this upcoming one. Start classes Monday at Vatterott and still work every afternoon. Last week was my first full week at work. Made bank at least.

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