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Posts posted by little_red_EMT_chick

  1. I haven't seen it on a t-shirt but I kinda liked a saying I saw on someone elses web page....... didn't care for the pix that went with it but anyway....

    Racing the Reaper!

    I feel like sometimes that is truely what we do......

    I have one shirt that says: "Merconium Happens""PHAS" in small letters on the front and a large start of life on the back.

    I wear it to conferences and the like, I also just got a shirt from a trauma conference I went to in the Big Horn Mtns but it doesn't have any smart assed comments on it, just where it was and a pic on the back of the mountains.....

  2. sorry for the double post, I was going to hold my tongue, but couldn't.........

    I would say so, as your post is extremely disturbing for many reasons.

    What does this mean? Define appropriate in terms of caring for your child. He won't bash him against the wall for crying but will change diapers? The child gets water every 3 hours but he won't feed him? Where do you draw the line?

    You stated you have seen and experienced this before, therefore you should recognize red flags when you see them.

    I have no clue what this means, would he care more for your child if you made more money? Regardless, this is no way relevant. He is either part of the family and cares for the family, or not.

    I realize I am being harsh with you, but I feel it is justified. Wake up and put your child first.

    Okay before you go being a critic let me explain something to you.....

    The man I am with now IS NOT my sons bio dad..... My sons bio dad was the bastard that wouldn't feed him or change him when I was at work and when I caught on I left with my son.....

    My current boy friend doesn't like the fact that I went from CNA wages... $10/hr to $5.35/ hr as an EMT..... because he knows I have to work more hours to make the same money and I am away from my son more...

    My son is also 8 years old..... no more diapers....

    My BF has never hit my son or been physically abusive in any way, nor has he been abusive in any other way.

    My conclusion is this..... my BF would rather I be around for my son and for him rather that be and EMT and work the long hours associated with this profession..... and well lets face it in Wyoming the low pay doesn't help.

    If you have anything else you would like to "discuss" please start a new thread or send me a private message, because I never meant to high jack this thread in the first place..... Thanks.

  3. "long story short, he doesn't do well with kids"

    I would never leave my child with someone who won't do well with them, nor would I date someone like that. Children are important, and working in EMS you see all sorts of crap that happens to children who are left with irresponsible caregivers (if they are giving care at all).

    Okay so with out spilling my guts here...... he is appropriate with my son but doesn't like having to babysit him....

    If I thought for an instant that my son was in danger I NEVER would leave him with my son period...... Yeah I know about the crap we see I saw it first hand with my sons father when I was working. no food and a bottle of water for child less than a year old.... yeah thats why I left the bastard.....

    All I am saying is he doesn't like it when he has to watch my son.....

    I guess I didn't word it right......

  4. I too am in a situation that I created unknowing to myself and un seeing for that matter. I agree with everyone here about give and take and dedication to the job. Thanks for all the responses because even though I didn't ask the question i had a very similar one in my heart. My BF is not in emergency services and doesn't like the fact that at time I must leave my son with him in the early morning hours to go to work..... long story short he doesn't do well with kids and well I don't make enough to make it worth while to him anyway.....

    Well enough rambling of my own.

    Thanks for the honest answers from all!

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