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Posts posted by ma2359

  1. Here is an editorial that was brought to my attention:

    Not my opinion, just bringing it out for discussion.


    To the editor,

    It was on the news again today. The

    cops and fi refi ghters at the seen are

    looking for a large settlement because

    of health problems as a result of the

    toxic air around Ground Zero in New

    York City. Well HELLO you guys, you

    were trained in using protective gear,

    masks, goggles and respirators if need

    be. You should be reprimanded for not

    following procedure.

    When I was in Viet Nam, if you did

    not have the right stuff for the job you

    died, period. You guys were trained

    and knew what it took to get the job

    done, including the proper safety

    equipment. Now don’t tell me it was

    an urgent situation and that you

    didn’t have time to grab your safety

    equipment . That is part of your job

    and in your job description, in Nam

    that would be kind of like not having

    my M16 with me.

    This is another situation of deadbeats

    looking for a buck. Dirty cops

    and dirty fi refi ghters are out there.

    Many of you know one. The cop or the

    fi refi ghter who comes up to his place

    on the lake and enjoys it while on

    some disability claim, usually a back

    problem, Oh brother, deadbeats on the

    free ride.

    I really expect to take a lot of heat

    on this issue but I really don’t care,

    bring it on and defend your deadbeat

    insurance fraud. I know too many

    cases of disability abuse to let this one

    slide. The Ground Zero workers do not

    even deserve workers comp let alone

    a class action law suit if they were not

    using proper protective gear that is

    provided by their employer.

    Dean Tappan

    Center Harbor

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