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Posts posted by azemsdiva

  1. I haven't seen this one yet...this is big where I work...if you have a pillow and you put it on the cot with the OPEN end of the pillow case facing the front of the ambulance, you will be doomed to "catch" all the bad calls. Some people swear by it here, but I haven't seen anything...

    It works! I have had several doubters..... Not anymore LOL. Except the pillow goes at the foot of the gurney and u will have a code with in 48hrs..

  2. I'm talking on a combination service that does both 911 and transports, not just transports.

    An EMT needs BOTH. And I am talking from experience with both types of medics... Like I said there are idiots in every field, BUT, one gets good with EXPERIENCE and in this case we are talking FIELD experience, sure lots of people are excellent excellent book medics and get thru class A+ students and while yes it takes book smarts, the field is where it really counts.

    I am not dismissing the fact that some Medics that go straight from EMT to Medic are good Medics I am sure they are out there, but the fact remains that experience is key to forming a good Medic.

    Why do you think the flight companies require 2-3 yrs experience before a Medic can apply?

  3. I agree with arizonaffcep, I have worked with both type's of Medics and granted there are idiots in every profession.. I found from personal experience ( I worked with a medic that went straight into Medic school from EMT) with no field experience, It was like just having some person walk in and get a job "as a medic" Didn't have a clue about ANYTHING! And the way I see it is these are peoples LIVES we are dealing with... so we have little room for error. I personally would rather have a Medic that had experience as a basic before becoming a Medic work on me or my family vs a Medic that has never set foot in a Ambulance before. (1) Because they have already perfected the BLS part and have actually done assessments before. (2) Its easier to focus on the ALS part if you already have the BLS part down. And (3) You have already experienced all the stuff that comes with EMS, The seizing pt, the code that is throwing up all over the place, the combative pt, The irate family members of a domestic assault or the distraught family of a person who passed away.. the list is endless. If you are a brand new Medic that has never even SEEN any of this much less had to HANDLE the scene and treat these people it can be taxing even for a experienced Medic.

    I am a firm believer in EMTs needing at LEAST a yr experience in the field (on a busy truck) before going into Medic school.

    Question? Would you want a surgeon that was right out of school w/o any OR time or residency time operating on you, or one that has done several surgerys and completed residency?

    Not exactly the same... but pretty close... :wink:

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