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Posts posted by BLS192

  1. Well I moved to Hemet in Riverside County now I just need to get a job up here so I don’t have to commute to San Diego. Thanks for your replies in the post before. Anyways I saw CRA Ambulance & Mission Ambulance yesterday and was wondering if anybody knew anything about them because I never had heard of them before.

    As always Thanks

  2. Thanks for the replies so far I’m actually moving to eastern riverside county from San Diego County I’m so tired of san Diego’s EMS system. I’m also working for pacific Ambulance of which all we do is transfers and I’m tired of it. Also I plan on leaving California myself and move to Oregon in a year or so. But right now in Oregon there seems to be no one hiring for EMS. I’m looking for some were I can work and run more 911 calls and get better experience.

    Any ways does anyone know anything about West Shore Ambulance service the only thing I know about them is that they are in Imperial County, CA and respond to Ocotillo Wells for accidents out in the desert.


  3. Hi guys I’m looking for some advice I’m going to be moving to eastern part of riverside County and I’m just wondering if anyone knows anything about AMR the Hemet Division and if there hiring at all and if you get to work with a medic or do you just do transfers. Also West Shore Ambulance service out in Imperial County, CA looks like an interesting place to work I just don’t know anything about this service. Do they run 911 or do transfers? Also does anyone know if there hiring I’m looking for a service that I can work at and get better experience to further my career in EMS so far I've Been an EMT-B for 3 Years and working for a service that only run's Transfers. I would go to medic school now but I’m trying to finish my Associates first and I don’t feel ready for medic school yet. I feel I’m lacking experience to even pass medic school and become a great paramedic. Plus the best way I Learn is hands on and seeing it myself .

    Any ways

    thanks for any advice you guys can give me

  4. LOL that is kind of funny now that i think about it :lol: Any ways thanks for the replies so far. sorry i was not that clear on by question early yes i was trying to get personal experience from people who work for doctors or who had worked for them in past. such as what is the pay and most of all are they great company to work for. etc.


  5. Does any one know anything about this ambulance service in orange county, CA and if they are hiring and what there hiring process is I am thinking of applying there and the only thing i really know about them is that they run calls with the county fire dept.

    any info is appreciated


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