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Posts posted by cayer

  1. We are currently waiting for our EZ IO drills to come in but when the rep came in to show us them I was impressed to say the least. Many of the medics I work with say that now that they have that as an option they will definetly be less apprehensive about having to go IO when it truly is warranted. Should definetly be a good tool to be at ones disposal.

  2. In my experience I have been to 1 Nursing Home that truly has their act together. Everytime I go in there is a nurse waiting for me with two copies of the paper work..briefing me on the way to the room..and then in the room there are usually two more nurses with the pt. A great relief from the normal walk in the front door with no one at the front desk..find the room yourself to find the pt. with one CNA who is asking where the nurse went.....

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