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Posts posted by dancewithme

  1. I agree. This is not just a job. When I met my husband he was a volunteer EMT-B working with the civil defense in our area. At the time his job was with Xerox Corp. Well, every time we would come upon an accident scene he would stop. As I watched him over the years I realised that this is part of who he is! But because he had the job at Xerox he let his certification go and continued on his career. He became increasingly unhappy. He felt that because we had a family that it was impossible for him to leave the job and go back to school. Last year we sold our home bought a motorhome and just traveled to Florida taking some time to unwind and think about our direction. One night we where on our way home from Kennedy Space center and just outside of Orlando we came upon an accident. It had just happened! We where the first to respond. This women had rolled her car and had head injury. I was on the cell phone with 911, the only problem was, I didn't know exactly where we where and other people wouldn't stop! It took sheriffs about 30 minutes to get to us, with the limited knowledge I had. 2 hours later after life flight picked up this girl and we got back into the car, I said to him "This is what you where meant to do" and he said he felt the same way. So, he went back to school, is now certitfied as a basic. I know this will drastically chage our lives. The income is much less than what he was making before but, he is very happy! That is what its' all about. There's nothing worse than going to a job every day that you hate.

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