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Posts posted by spenac

  1. www.percomonline.com


    How hard did you look?  Not busting your balls but I did a search for Online EMR courses via Google and found this one in my first page of search results.  All of these courses if you are wanting to get certified require a visit to their approved sites for the skills portions.  Why are you not requiring your staff just to go to EMR classes in your area OR better yet, already be certified?  I mean you have the next several months (march, april and may) to get them a EMR course.  Heck you could possibly even get them EMT certified if you found them the right program.  Honestly, Online courses for saving lives always seemed to me to be the lazy way to do things.  but that's just me.  Business classes or philosophy classes maybe, but classes that teach you to save lives, not so much.  

    Here's the search that I found - click here and refine it if you must.




    And this one


    I find them better and more of a challenge you old buzzard. ;)


  2. Rayster gezz its been forever. Rid you need to get this party started with all your wisdom and knowledge... Paramedic Mike thanks for the warm welcome back! Doc did you really steal Ruffs sense of humor? :D


    Don't know.  Ain't seen him here in ages.

  3. There are even places that are teaching friends and family to administer it.  Again, which is worse, the side effects listed above or being dead?  We can deal with the side effects but we still can't fix dead.  I agree that it needs to be pre-filled syringes and IN administration.

    As so many druggies come awake violently, should the pre-filled syringes/IN be at a low dose to just improve respiration rather than a full dose?    Or just let the EMT's/Cops/family/etc just get their butts kicked?

  4. Wonder how many junkies are now being arrested for assault on officers as they are often violent if brought fully out of their drug induced state to quickly?  Hopefully if a system allows EMT's to administer it they teach them to titrate to respiratory effort rather than slam a bunch then have a rodeo on their hands.

  5. These so called emt's and Paramedics really make all EMS look like idiots. "Its a pediatric call so makes our adrenaline go up", why they are still just another patient. "We need to keep patient calm not just because it could cause heart issues but could send them into shock", holy crap it was only a minor injury.

    I could not watch more than that as so much horse crap.

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