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Posts posted by emt_fire2100

  1. Ok everybody, this will be my first post. As an EMT-B in the state of Texas for 8 years now, I have learned a few things. 1, TDH is always right, as this has already been discussed. That doesn't mean that we have to agree with them. Now that being said, I have to agree that this is totally wrong in what TDH is trying to do. As an EMT-B to do any kind of patient care, yall are trying to tell me that you have to have medical direction, Thats not possible. I work soccer tournaments in Texas as an EMT-B, and I have no medical direction, i stabilize patients and call for the nearest ambulance, and this is wrong?? Regardless, I don't have a vehicle that looks like an ambulance, I have a golf cart, LOL......But I don't see why TDH would even get involved in this, there are greater issues out there that TDH needs to look into and quit bothering people that are just trying to help. I've said it before, TDH will eventually take all the smaller systems out and make way for the big companies, its a phase out, rural and private companies are going, TDH is doing this just so a big company can come in and take over.

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