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Posts posted by shrevo23

  1. As Illinois finally joins all the other states in enacting conceal carry laws....was wondering about the possible issues we might encounter here in the land of Lincoln. It's my understanding that hospitals will still be off limits for weapons, so what are we to do if the patient has a weapon. Note this would be in reference to a law abiding citizen who is not a threat.

  2. My job is kind of unique. I work for a small town in the utility department, gas-water-sewer-streets-dog catcher-etc.

    The town board also oversees the local municipal volunteer ambulance service in which I am also the coordinator/manager for.

    (We are considered paid per call) Most of the time I am able to run ems calls as needed so it really helps the manpower situation for a small service.

    Take Care

  3. prpg & medik8

    It's not nice to post a scenario like this and not let everybody know how it turned out.

    I know it is an old post but we would really like to know how it was handled. And don't tell me it was so easy that a caveman could have done it. :)


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