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Posts posted by Scrubs

  1. Hi, This intruigued me as I once managed and yes drove a trucking company. There are some laws that should be held in reguards to a long distance transport such as this.

    One person is only allowed to drive a maximum of 14 out of 24 hours a day or no more than 630 odd miles. A team driving can drive continuously as long as there is a 'bunk area' for the other driver that can 'sleep' during the drive. We've all tried to sleep in a moving ambulance, it dosen't work, besides. How do you sleep while monitoring your patient?

    Although that EMS dodges the driving laws that commerical truck drivers do, wouldn't you think if something were to happen on the way to or back such as a wreck where someone is seroiuously hurt or killed, that the questions of commercial driving of this distance non stop be questioned?

    My reply to my director on those orders would be that is totally unsafe to hurry up and hurry back in 16 hours.

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