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Posts posted by Medic_student_Jimbo

  1. Once had a guy who took some oxycontin and 3 traveler flasks of Jim Beam. Pupils pinpoint, breathing 2 times/min, cyanotic/pale/and diaphoretic. Had one of my partners insert an OPA and begin bagging. My other partner got an IV Going. We moved the pt just so slightly so my partner bagging the pt could be more effective, and as we moved him, the guy woke up. it scared the crap out of all of us, and he was CA&OX3 all the way to the hospital. Basically, as I was told by a nurse at the hospital, when you combine ETOH and some narcotics, it just intensify's the effects, and when the pt's brain becomes hypoxic they then go unconscious. When you change that, the brain begins to work slightly better again, possibly even regaining consciousness. So this story sounds very familiar

  2. hey everyone,

    I know I'm not an "instructor," but I am giving a presentation on musculoskeletal trauma to a group of first responder students. I am dividing the different areas into strains, sprains, and fractures, making sure to sub-divide spinal and some other trauma. What I'm looking for is some good pictures to put into a powerpoint, under the section of well here's a fracture, how would you handle this. If anyone has any and would be willing to let me use it, thanks.

    Just let me know. By the way, this is the first class that I have ever taught somewhat solo, any suggestions on making it informative, but not getting too deep with this subject matter.


    medic_student_jimbo, Now Medic Jimbo

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