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Posts posted by rukascrew

  1. Patient Care?

    This is something being closely considered. This whole design is more of a Proof-of-Concept. As in, perhaps an EMT could be providing care, as a computer handles the driving sequence.

    Something along these lines, of an EMT/Pilot.... who could be 'two places at once' .

    We will be creating a prototype, but not meant for mass-production just yet.

  2. Yes, It is simliar to an unmanned drone. Could you perhaps point me to the thread about the isreali system? Our team will have a system with multiple capabilities, but this is very interesting!! Also, do you have a more concrete source where I can link to for fligth cost?


  3. Hello, I am an Engineer at Penn State University. We are researching a device that can replicate a life-flight system. This could be similar to a UAV. Can anyone help me find statistics on the actual, or typical costs of a life flight? I have heard all sorts of numbers, and I am looking for a more concrete number.

    Thank You!



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