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Posts posted by echo-000

  1. Yeah, I agree. Definitely a memorable day. I have no clue why it bruised so oddly (don't know what was up with the dark red spots,) but there was a lot of itching and localized swelling when the tape was removed. An allergy or something.

  2. Nope, I'm an American. My buddy goes to medic school up north and couldn't believe how much we do on each other in class. Apparently, they're all about the dummies. I tried to tell him that we're gonna learn to intubate on each other. Hahaha nothing gets past this guy! :roll:

  3. Has anyone ever worked/volunteered for the Red Cross as a phlebotomist? If so, what was your experience like? I donated yesterday at a drive and it seems to me that many of the workers were EMTs. Don't you think the work would be pretty easy, taking blood all day, dealing with a few fainters or pukers?

  4. I don't have a whole lot of experience with the mentally ill, but I think I can touch on the subject of PTSD. I got slammed into by an SUV while in my compact car two weeks ago, totalled it. I suffered some wiplash, a sore face from the airbag (damn they are wicked little things,) and a bruised abdomen from the seat belt. The worst of it was how I felt afterwards though. Very nervous getting behind the wheel, or even riding in a car. Being in the ambulance isn't so bad, as long as I'm not driving, but still...

    stay safe

  5. I've just signed up to work first aid (I've been an EMT for almost a year now) at a haunted house/corn maze starting Friday night. I haven't been to one of these since high school, so I'm not sure what to expect. This particular attraction, I was told, is geared toward college and high school students, takes about 2 hours to get through, is mostly dark, and uses fog machines, chain saws, and strobe lights. I've yet to find out how many patrons it serves each night. The local EMS service near the event is volunteer; I still have to see where the closest ED is.

    Has anyone worked one of these? Any advice as to what I should expect? I'm thinking asthma attacks and sprained ankles.

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