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Posts posted by travelclarkie

  1. I have EMT plates in NY. I got them because I am proud of my job (I work (paid), and volly).

    Before I got them I wrote 2 letters. 1) To the Bureau of EMS 2) to the DMV.

    The basic idea of the letter was. I am interested in getting EMT plates but before I do I want to know of any legal ramifications. Such as a duty to act, etc.

    You get the idea. The answer from both was NO. Now you ask what if I leave the state. Then what. IE it's my understanding the VT has a duty to act rule for EMTs and up. If you see something you must act on duty or off. What happens there. No change, I'm not a VT EMT so I can drive by with no harm to me.

    Moral's is another story.

    In either case write a letter to the powers that be and find out the real story. It will very state to state.

    As to your orignal question. Call the DMV and ask how to go about getting EMS plates if the DOH says they have no idea.

  2. Hello,

    I am a NYS EMT-I and I want my Massachusetts EMT back (I'm in good standing and all). Since I can not use reciprocity I am taking the full EMT-B class :) Fun fun fun. All serious my instructors are great as are the other students.

    But I am having a problem. That I am hoping someone may be able to help me with.

    For lectures I'm ok with since I admit I do not know it all it's a chance for me to pick up thing here or there or just reinforce things in a new light. So, I'm ok. I try not to speak up to much because I've been in EMS for 11 years and I don't want to be a know it all or cocky. (I do hope my instructors understand this - they know my story).

    Here's the big problem. The practicals. Sure I can use work we all can. But, I find it can be heard to keep my attention here.

    For instance. You can only learn how to take a BP so many times or do it so many times before we'll you snap especially if you are practicing. In other words I can practice taking vitals 1 or 2 times before well, it becomes old. I do try to give tips to some of the others who are having problems. Which I have enjoyed but I don't believe this is proper as I am technically a student.

    Here's the even bigger biggy. Since I have been in EMS for about 11 years I have gone though at least one curriculum change maybe two. It really doesn't matter too much. I am stuck in my old ways (sheesh, I'm 28 :lol: )

    Anyway, the problem I am having is with my assessments. I remember primary and secondary survey and I default to that

    style of thinking. Or I do real world. Either way not the best way to go about it in a class or exam setting.

    So, this is what I need help with breaking the old habits with out "brain washing" myself to only know the "text book" way to do things. I'm a practicing EMT so there has got to be a happy medium.

    The other thing I am noticing is this. We'll have a scanero for the assessment labs (you know the usual 20 something ejected from a car in an MVA yadda yadda yadda) and I'm either reading to much into it or I realize that there is stuff to do that they are not wanting so I get frustrated and they get frustrated (I'm talking strictly BLS stuff here).

    For instance today the "victim" had "wet lungs" half way up. Well, I want an OPA to maintain the airway on a pt responsive to pain only and the TA said no because his airway was self maintained (if the phrase is less then 8 intabate then I think an OPA is in order for a pt that is responsive to pain - assuming the pt takes it) two. The TA wanted a NRB so I went with it to make it though but if a PT has "wet long sounds" half way up here are my thoughts they should 1) be a rapid transport (TA said no) 2) even with good resp. rate should the pt be bagged? Think CHF same kinda idea esp if the pt may be compensating. (again the TA said no).

    So, I'm at a loss of how to cope and balance experience and not bring myself down to much (no offence intended with that comment).

    I'm just looking for idea's on how I can cope or idea's I can bring to the TA and instructors. Besides "put me in my place" which I actually said; as well as "feel free to teach me a lesson" I said it with a smile but was meant if I get cocky or lazy I want you to whip me into shape. The TA said no which I will probably thank him for down the road.

    Ask questions if you need more info. I'm open to all idea's.



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