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Posts posted by scrappy

  1. I always told the new EMT's I trained in the field that it was perfectly ok to stop, take a breath, let silence reign for a little bit to get their thoughts in order. Not only that, but if they forgot where they were in the questions/history taking, repeating a question was a good idea, since sometimes the patient would give more or better info, and it gives you time to get the rest of your thoughts in order. Plus, even as an EMT with almost 10 years experience, I have often turned to my partner to ask for a double check on a BP or pulse or something. Your partners and training officers are tehre to help you when you start in the field. They aren't going to leave you out to dry, because it's as much their butt on line as it is yours.

    As for the feeling queasy bit, when i first flipped through my EMT book and saw the pictures in the back, I readily admit my stomach flipped several times. When I would watch 'Operation' on TLC and they made that first incision, my stomach thought it was on a trampoline. However, I watched my grandmother's knee replacement surgery (including the first incision) and had no problems, and I have been on calls where things were much worse than a first incision and not had a problem, so I wouldn't put too much stock in that.

  2. Hey all...I'm a little late to this thread, but could someone clear up a question for me? I'm looking at paramedic schools near me, and several of them say that they have "Initial Accreditation." Could someone clarify this for me? I really want ot go to a school that is actually accredited, as opposed to a 'medic mill.'

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