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pampering patty

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Posts posted by pampering patty

  1. We responded to a call 35 minutes before the end of our shift. It turns out it is a "regular".

    The person really needed to go the hospital based on protocal,however the pt's son said he would be able to stay and keep an eye on her. My partner told me to go and get the clip board,which means "get the refusal paper". The pt was CAOx3 despite having a BS of 56 after having oral glucose,orange juice,egg sandwich with ketchup. We spent over an hour with this person, she ended up signing the paper stating "I'm fine and I don't want to go to the hospital" I still can't help but feel we should have insisted she go even though it would have meant we would of had a "fight" on our hands. I think we "saved our butts" by having the refusal paper signed but I still have a feeling of some wrong doing. Is this just a new emts guilt?

  2. I see nothing wrong with getting a tat. Personally,I have 5, all can be covered with clothing and if anyone has the train of thought that a person who has tats is "disturbed" in some way only leads to the argument that these people need to have a much more open mind and not rely on reports from some study.

  3. Oh my where do I start. I work for a private service as well as a county 911 service. I started with the private service so I could learn the different areas of my state as well as the locations of the various trauma and burn centers etc..... I am a EMT-I and I always work with a paramedic. Depending on the call I work in the back on a transport,ie....non ACLS protocal. I also get great experience with pt personal skills,,,,listening to the patient you are transporting to a second level rehab, the pt who is going for a heart cath because of an abnormal EKG and is just looking for someone to talk to.

    I enjoy the 911 service as well because I get to use and maintain my "medical" skills. I guess I might be one of the lucky ones. Both of my services are equally good and treat me with respect.

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