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Posts posted by gajewel

  1. I need some advice from anyone who has been an EMT for a while.

    My situation is that I am in nursing school~~a very crappy nursing school for lack of better words. The faculty is at odds with each other, the school is on probation, and the teachers offer no encouragement. Half of my class is failing and we have to make near to impossible grades to pass for the semester (Yes, they really will fail a great number of people at once, seen it happen before). This is my senior year of a bachelors program. :( I already know I want to be in the field of emergency medicine. It is clear that I need a backup plan at this point. I started looking at EMTs. To my suprise... it sounds more up my alley then nursing! I didn't consider being an EMT before nursing school. Now I am considering the possibility of withdrawing from nursing school and becoming an EMT. The EMT program starts Oct. 2 so I kind of have to make the decision soon. I had planned to graduate and move by summer 2007- this is very important to me. The EMT program fits into that plan. I am married so whatever I do affects two people. I also am in music ministry and that brings in income so I am not so worried about the pay drop between a RN and an EMT.

    What would you guys recommend? I need objective opinions here because my head is spinning. Very hard decision.


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